Weekly Words Challenge 78!
The words for this week were Orange and N.
How did you interpret them?

N is for Ninja

(Other Random Photos)

Also known as, "N for Nerd".
My Hoop

If you haven't joined the fun yet, go here for details. We also have a Flickr group for easy shareability. Not only do you get to add "Lowly Foon" to your resume, but you get to find out the new words at least an hour earlier. Happy snapping!
The words for next week are:
In Other News: Hoop fixed our computer. Yay! I should probably get all of our pictures off of it before it crashes again. Also, I'm working on a button for the official WWC participation list. It should be finished by next Tuesday. If you haven't added yourself to that list and would like to, please follow the instructions here.
Tomorrow: I Heart Etsy
Sometime This Week: My post about the horrible job interview. My Mom is having me write it in article form for her site, so it's taking me a little longer than normal. No pressure!
Labels: WWC
Nice orange... until I noticed the background... now I'm wondering what exactly the damn thing's covering up! :P
I think Superpowers also falls under the Nerd category (Funny but nerdy:) Well done, the fire shot is totally awesome! I like the leggy background of the orange shot. (What LL said!!)
Oh yeah! Of course! You used an actual orange for "orange!" That's brillia .. hold on .. are those legs that I see behind that orange? Hmm ... must investigate further. ;-)
That's a really great picture of Hoop.
P.s. Mines up.
Heh heh .. my word verification was "duming"
there's Tink, kickin' a$$ ninja style at the garage sale!
Got mine up!
Mine are up!
Love the orange pic - great legs!!
Nerd Ninjas to the rescue!
Love the fire, the ninja and you and Hoop! I had fun with this one, Tink, orange is so pretty!
Great pics!! Love the Nerd Ninja! :) And the orange is so vibrant!
Mines Here!
Granny and Gramps are fully WWC compatible!
Love the photo of Hoop. His stack of books in that pic remind me of mine when I'm drinking beer or coffee out on the back patio.
Also, what the hell is a foon?
Just as an FYI, up where I am the word "hoop" means to shove something up your butt.
So if you're ever up in this neck of the woods, careful on how you use his name.
Like, if you were to say "I love my hoop", people might think you have a special toy you shove up your bum a lot.
Just 'sayin :P
Lovely photos, I especially like the fire.
Awesome as always! But the other's stole my comments... except for Mike... he gave me a new word usage.
My lame submission is up: http://kcinnova.wordpress.com (Thank you for posting an orange. I feel better now.)
lol... the orange cracked me up.
Ruh-roh, that doesn't sound too good about the interview. I can't wait to hear this. Did they ask you your astrological sign?
Hang in there.
love you -
horrible job interview that ended in a kick ass job? huh? uh? Just checking.
Ha! Orange! I just did a period piece sex story on oranges. Ya. Things change while yer away.
for some reason, i'm craving goldfish...
Love the goldfish pic and I laughed about the superpowers pic. :D
Mine are up. :D
Cool electricity coming out of your hands but I need more!!! What can your flip flops do?
Wow I love that orange, even though I don't like oranges It makes me wanna taste :) Great shots... Y'all make my shots look so boring!!
You have such a cute figure, wish I was that skinny... Oh well, maybe next lifetime for me. :-|
Mucho Perfecto!
Oh no...the job interview was that bad?
Oh dear! Hug x
You're as cute as a button :)
Love the orange.. and the goldfish. Sorry to hear that the interview was horrible.
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