Wednesday, May 27, 2009

At Midnight I Turn Into A Pumpkin

(A totally pointless title.)

I've been reading J.D. Robb books for the last week. They make me want to kick some bad guy butt. It's a good thing I've been going to the gym; because I'm WEAK. I was doing mountain climbing on the treadmill this afternoon (I'm not quite to Kilimanjaro) and I literally had to talk my legs into finishing. I was like, "Do you want that ice cream float later? Well, do you?!" Apparently, they did. And it was good.

Enough randomosity. Here's Etsy!

Daily Etsy Picks:
Secret Decoder Card With Secret Message
Young Mad Scientist Alphabet Blocks
One Carat Carrot Ring

WTF Etsy?:
"Got Any Weed?" Card (Because that's not sketchy or anything.)
Fetus Puppet
Fuzzy Brown Cattbutt Magnet
Johnny Carcinogen (Dude, I think you should listen to your wife.)
Dollhouse Miniature of Used Chamber Pot

Hoop Quote Of The Day:
"Let me get my glasses so I can see in High-Def."



At 28 May, 2009, Blogger said...

Finally! I have looked high and low for a fetus puppet! I'll take triplets, er, 3 please. ;-)

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger meno said...

JD Robb is most excellent trashy novel reading. I approve.

At 28 May, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those blocks are incredible!

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger furiousBall said...

haha, the weed card killed me.

i'm dead now.

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger Gina said...

I may need to borrow those High-Def glasses if I click on that fetus puppet...

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger Niki said...

JD Robb is my favorite!!!
The fetus puppet is going to give me nightmares, I think. Creepy...

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger g-man said...

LOL at furiousBall!!

Which of course begs the question, well do ya?? Because as the great comic book characters the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers are quoted as saying:
"Weed will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no weed."

Keep up the gym!! It is motivation for the rest of us.

I saw a commercial for "High Def" sunglasses! No sh1t!

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger Gary's third pottery blog said...

miniature used chamber pot....

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger Woman in a Window said...

I'm so relieved your legs listened!

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger Gramps said...

I love the mad scientist blocks. I think I know what The Granddaughter will be getting for Christmas!

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger Reb said...

Love the Secret Decoder card and the blocks! The badly made, used chamber pot is just embarrassing - for the person who made it.

Good for you for keeping up with the gym. Hoop is right, glasses make everything High-Def.

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger Chris said...

Mmmm.... Roarke....

At 28 May, 2009, Blogger mamatulip said...

A mini dollhouse chamber I've seen it all.

I kind of like those weed cards. ;)

At 29 May, 2009, Blogger BSOB said...

the world is a crazy place. definitely have to be in shape for it

At 30 May, 2009, Blogger mrspao said...

Ah yes. You reminded me that I really need to work out which books I don't have yet so I can read them :)


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