Monday, August 03, 2009

Happy Trails

I started this blog three years and eight months ago. Which is only two months shorter than Hoop and I have been together. To say that I'm attached to this place is an understatement. In the beginning it was just a journal. I was bored. I didn't think it would last. Then people started to comment and it became more of a social experiment. Then I started to make friends. Writing became less of a "why?" and more of a "who for?". I was writing because of you. I was writing because I cared about you. Over the years Bloggers have come and gone. We've grown up, grown old, moved on. Those of us who stayed were a dying breed, pushed out by vlogging and Twitter.

But we didn't stay for the popularity, despite what some may think. We didn't write to stroke our own egos or because we had anything overly important to say. We wrote because we felt connected. I followed you guys through births and deaths and milestones. You were there to see me through Chris' death and quitting smoking, being laid off and getting married. You were there for every stupid Hoop conversation and the inspiration for every photo. Before I started blogging, I had never used a digital camera! I may not know your face, but you were there. We laughed and loved and struggled together and it made all the difference. And now... Now you're here for me to say good-bye.

Thank you for everything.

I'm not going to say it's permanent. But I won't bait you with false hope either. It hasn't been in my heart to blog for awhile. My life has taken me down other avenues. I'll always write and take pictures and think of you. Hopefully, every once in awhile, you'll think of me too. For those who still want to stay in touch, you can email me: twstdtink(at)yahoo(dot)com. You can also find me on Flickr and Facebook. I just started a new WWC group there! Who knows, maybe this blog will come to life again one day in the future, like Willy Wonka's factory. But with sporks instead of chocolate and none of those scary midgets. Until we meet again old friend, thank you for all the wonderful memories.


"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."


At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Pickles and Dimes said...

Best of luck in everything. I'll enjoy looking through your archives. :)

At 03 August, 2009, Anonymous Sparkel said...

Oh my goodness, my heart is broken. Your blog has made me smile since I found it more than a year ago! I wish you the best of everything in all of your endeavors, and am looking you up on facebook!

At 03 August, 2009, Anonymous kim said...


At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Lynnea said...

Thank you too. You've brought smiles to me every time I came here. Best of wishes in your future endeavors and most definitely will think of you. As for heart not being in the blog, I so understand. Life has become so busy with new adventures, it makes it difficult to sit still long enough to share them. :)

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger geenalyn said...

awww this makes me sad, but I wish you all the best in whatever you choose to do now. Glad I'll still be able to find you other ways (including snail mail LOL) Love you girlie

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Mouse said...

I've been blogging for over 5 years now and I definitely understand where you're coming from. I've thought of quitting a few times in the last few years but haven't managed to actually do it yet.
You'll be missed Tink- I'm glad to have 'met' you and Hoop! Take care and good luck 'out there'!!

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Jay said...

Oh man I'm so bummed right now I can barely stand it! The bloggerhood just isn't going to be the same at all. And I don't remember giving the OK for this either! LOL ;-)

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Allison said...

I know how you feel, girl. I always WANT to update my blog, but then I go there and stare at a blank screen and have nothing to write. I just got wrapped up in too many other things and I was finding myself trying to force myself to blog, which isn't fun at all.

So although I'll miss you here, I get it, and am glad I still see you over on Facebook. :)

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Dana said...

We wrote because we felt connected.

Yes ... EXACTLY! I may not have commented frequently, but I was always here over the past almost two years. You were one of the first blogs I started reading, and I never stopped.

Thank *YOU* for sharing your life with us!

At 03 August, 2009, Anonymous ellie said...

Tink, im so sad right now, Im gonna miss ya! can you do a tink FB? email me if you like, leffylump on FB

Good Luck with everything and thank you for sharing your life so freely with us. Im sure i will keep checking to see if you come back.


p.s my verification word is phist - as in off :(

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Tink said...

Ellie, I can't find youuuu! Please email me. :)

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Niki said...

This makes me sad. :(

But I should be able to get my recommended dosage of sporky goodness from flickr and fb! ;)

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Gary's third pottery blog said...


At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Unknown said...

wow it's the end of an era, who's going to take over the WWC on blogger?
Jay I'm looking at you.

good luck in all of your future endevors.

At 03 August, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sucks ...

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Chris said...


At 03 August, 2009, Anonymous The Beer Geek said...

Awww... I guess this means I'm just going to have to send you more meaningless and silly text messages! :) Yeah I know... I'm a jackass! But you wouldnt have me any other way. As the boss says: A jackass with a heart!

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Aunt Jackie said...

I am totally 100% obliterated and sad :(

What will become of the weekly words challenge? It's just sounding so permanent, whether it is or not.

My heart sunk when I read it. :(

Best of luck I say with a very, very heavy heart.


At 03 August, 2009, Blogger fiwa said...

Awww girl... all I can say is you mean so much to me. Your funny posts brightened up so many days for me. Not that I'm trying to guilt you into keeping on, I know exactly what you mean about needing to put it aside and move on for now. I'm so glad that if nothing else I got such a community of friends out of blogging. And now I'll just be bugging you more on FB. :)

All my love,

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh man, I hate when this happens. Beers to you, Tink. Beers to you!

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Jay said...

*sniff* *sniff*

I came back hoping that I had just dreamed this earlier today. I think I'll just start drinking now. :(

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Pamer said...

i find it very sad to see you let go of this blog Tink. But I'm glad you're still a friend on FB

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger said...

Awww. Crap, Tink. I's gonna miss you something fierce. I always knew I was going to enjoy your posts. Every. Time.
I hope you have a wonderful time just doing whatever else you've got going on.

At 03 August, 2009, Anonymous Kate said...

You know that I am a lurker here... and I am so sad to see you go. I enjoy reading your words so very much. Good luck and be well.

At 03 August, 2009, Blogger Janet said...

TINK!!! Where will I get my WTF Etsy fix now??!

At 04 August, 2009, Blogger LL said...

Tink!!! Butbutbut... I'll miss ya because there's no FB'n or Myspacin' for the ol Loser...

It was really fun to get to know ya, and if you ever do decide to head out to this part of the world... I'll pack you off the mountain when you get lost. :P

At 04 August, 2009, Blogger flutter said...

I will miss you.

At 04 August, 2009, Blogger the planet of janet said...

i am crying.

for reals.

stay twisted, tink.

(and i'm gonna find you on FB, just cuz ... so be prepared!)

At 04 August, 2009, Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Tink, I hve visited you often via Jay's blog. I hope that your life's journey is a wonderful one, with peace and love and joy. Take care :)

At 04 August, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got back from vacation and the first blog I checked today was yours. Now I'm not sure I have the heart to check any others...
I'm glad you are my fb friend but I don't go there very often. I'm going to absolutely freakin' miss you here. *sniff*

Is WWC moving to facebook?

At 04 August, 2009, Anonymous Ellie said...

Tink, the email button has gone but mine is


At 04 August, 2009, Anonymous apathy lounge said...

A little piece of my blogging heart died just now. I understand that this is a necessary thing. I do. But it sucks nonetheless. Happy Trails to you, too. See you on FB.

At 04 August, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 04 August, 2009, Blogger Gramps said...

Good luck, Tink. You know where to find us.

At 04 August, 2009, Blogger LMPP said...


I'll miss you

At 04 August, 2009, Blogger meno said...

well....i could chastise you, but i understand. Things change and move on. I wish you all the best and will miss your wit and charm.

At 04 August, 2009, Anonymous Mike said...

That's a long time blogging.

Glad you had fun.

Enjoy your other stuff!

At 04 August, 2009, Blogger Tawcan said...

D'oh it's always sad to see a blogger packing it in. Hopefully the departure won't be too long. But I know what you mean, sometimes I just don't feel like blogging.

Looks like I'll have to find you on facebook.

At 04 August, 2009, Blogger Reb said...

Well, I can understand, but it doesn't make me any less sad :(

I will look for you on FB.

Enjoy your life while you are young Tink. I wish you and Hoop all the best forever.

At 04 August, 2009, Blogger Heather said...

I'm so sorry to see you go!! You were one of the first blogs I read regularly. Way back... years ago when I won some contest and you devoted an entire post to me!!

Ahh... memories!! **sniff... sniff** What's that? No... I'm not crying... just got something in my eye!!

I wish you the best of luck and hope maybe someday to see you back here!!

At 05 August, 2009, Blogger mamatulip said...

I've been waiting for this. I knew it was coming.

I remember when you first commented on my blog. I clicked over here and saw your bio and immediately judged you, thought you were someone who probably wasn't worth reading.

Boy, was I wrong.

Back in your blogging heyday you would post at around the same time every day, and I would wait - with bated breath, literally - for Pickled Beef to show up bold in my reader. I loved reading you, loved watching you grow as a person, as a photographer and as a friend. You struck me with your maturity, your beautiful heart and your words, your story. You truly impressed me with your outlook on life.

You made an impact on me, Tink. Thanks for all you've shared over these three years and eight months.

At 05 August, 2009, Blogger Terri said...

now this is a sad day, a sad day indeed.

very glad you graced me with an accept on FB, at least we'll have that.

please let us know on FB when you might possibly post here again.

Tell Hoop we'll miss his quirky conversations.

Pickled Beef Rocks!

At 05 August, 2009, Blogger Kell said...

Good luck Tink. There will be less laughter in the blogosphere without you.

At 06 August, 2009, Blogger the Bag Lady said...

Best of luck in all your endeavors, Tink!
This makes me very sad.

At 06 August, 2009, Blogger debra said...

I haven't commented her very much, but I have read pretty regularly. Happy trails. May your moccassins make happy tracks in the snow :-)

At 06 August, 2009, Blogger Woman in a Window said...

Well, holy crap...I just came to say hello, not good-bye. But I get it. I so get it.

Hey, my daughter and I just pumped it to Big and Chunky. I tell you what, this girl kant dance...

Will miss you. Take care, Tink!

At 06 August, 2009, Blogger Gordo said...

Who you calling "old"?

Take care, Tink. Catch you on the flipside.

At 07 August, 2009, Blogger Saffa Chick said...

Ah, I thought so... you've been a tad jaded there for a while. It happens to the best bloggers I feel - you've said so much you feel you have run out of things to say.

I will miss you! Best of luck from here on out xxx

At 07 August, 2009, Blogger g-man said...

It will be different not to stop by and read a "daily Hoop conversation" or the like, but I am sure that we will keep in touch.

Whatever road you travel on may the scenery be nice.

At 08 August, 2009, Anonymous Stories Aside said...



I will miss you.

At 11 August, 2009, Blogger Gina said...

I was out for surgery and catching up via Jay...I wish you the best and will always remember you and the Golden Spork, sigh... and will look for you on the FB. Gina in Sweden

At 11 August, 2009, Blogger YellowRose said...

Aww, I come to see what the theme is and you are gone...*cry* you will be missed dear Tink. Please find me on Facebook, I would love to stay in touch with you! You are one of those bloggers that I have considered a privilege to meet and call a friend. Love and best to you and Hoop!

At 14 August, 2009, Blogger Aunt Becky said...

Happy, Happy Trails to you.

At 14 August, 2009, Blogger mrspao said...

I'm not saying goodbye but farewell. I'll miss your funny blog posts and my fave Hoop and Tink convos but I will wear my spork with pride and hope you come back from time to time. I don't think you'll be away forever but I can understand why.

At 22 August, 2009, Blogger Joshua said...

Good luck lil lady!

At 24 August, 2009, Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...

I am going to miss you... good luck!

At 27 August, 2009, Blogger ETK said...

Well, I can't complain too much because OBVIOUSLY I don't keep up with blogs so much any more, but I have LOVED LOVED finding and reading yours. I'm so glad I can totally stalk you on facebook and I can hold that hope that one day you'll return here. We'll miss your daily Hoop conversations and wit and sarcasm.

I'm so excited for you for school!

At 29 August, 2009, Blogger musingwoman said...

I understand completely. I'm having to take an extended blogging hiatus myself. Life. Sometimes is just has to take priority.

You'll be missed.

At 03 September, 2009, Blogger Alex said...

How can I find you on Facebook?

Or, you find me?

alex kuisis


At 04 September, 2009, Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I refuse to leave a comment regarding goodbye because I feel as though you'll come back...
nope, I'm not gonna do it..I'll just continue to peek on my blogroll to see if there's a new title.

nope not gonna comment...


At 04 September, 2009, Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...


At 07 September, 2009, Blogger Chelle Y. said...

I got discouraged about writing when I was told malware was on the site. It's not (when I do the diagnostics test), but that still does not stop the "warning" sign.

I do not have much to say anymore either. Most of the people I have met along the way are on facebook now anyway, so it has not really been a "good-bye."

I will miss reading your funny stories though. :)

At 11 September, 2009, Blogger Mermaid Melanie said...


I am sure going to miss you sporky goodness.

facebook huh? mwah ha ha! see you there.

At 11 September, 2009, Blogger Cindi said...

I know you will be greatly missed, Tink. I fizzled out on my own blog over a year ago. Several factors were the reason for my lack of blogging (deaths, health woes, depression, etc.) I feel like a coward for not at least saying goodbye on my blog for the time being. I'm not sure what to do. In fact, just now was the first time in I don't know when since I've even logged into google/blogger.

I had you in my bookmarks and was going down the list and checking out what I had bookmarked and clearing out some of them. Not sure why, but I don't keep up with as many blogs as I used to a few years ago. I'm stuck in Blog Fog.
I'm glad I clicked on your link in my bookmarks so that I can properly say goodbye and Good Luck to you, Tink.

At 20 September, 2009, Blogger PEACE said...

I've been away from my blog for a while and tonight checking in....writing a post....checking my friends. Hope you check in once in a while...

I'm on facebook too, link on my blog, maybe can catch you there.

At 02 October, 2009, Blogger Molly said...

Hey, Tink I have always enjoyed your blog, which never failed to entertain. My blogging has fallen by the wayside too. I wish you and Hoop well. Take care.

At 07 October, 2009, Blogger Knight said...

Man, I ran out without saying anything back in April and I can't believe I missed this. I guess I'll just have to stalk you on Facebook exclusivly. Damn! I know how hard it is to stay here though. Our lives move on. Good luck to you Tink!

At 08 October, 2009, Blogger Arabella said...

So, so sorry to see you go. Love ya, Tink. I miss you, and us, and everything. Best of luck.

At 09 December, 2009, Blogger Me said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 26 December, 2009, Blogger LL said...

Miss ya!

Hope you and Hoop had a great Christmas.

At 08 January, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tink pleaseeeeeeeeeee, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee come back for a lil new years update? A "we're doin well, we've had a set of triplets, and moved to a yacht in the harbor,,,,,,,," sort of update! It's so much like bagged lettuce salad without the dressing, not having you on here. Come be our dressing,,,,,,even if just for a bite?

At 17 March, 2010, Blogger The Queen said...

Tink, You were one of the ones I looked up to when I started blogging. I miss you.. OLE WOMAN THAT LIVED IN A SHOE? WTF? I hope life is bringing you all the happiness you deserve.. and then a little icing for good measure..

At 15 February, 2011, Blogger Jay said...

This blog deserves to still be getting comments.

Betcha didn't know I still have your blog in my reader, huh?

Of course, there's a fine line between creepy and sweet. Not sure if I've crossed it or not. ahahha ;-)

At 17 May, 2015, Anonymous insurance blog said...

nice blog, wish it continues someday

At 27 January, 2016, Blogger Aunt Jackie said...

It's January of 2016 and I still wish you'd come back to this blog. I have re-crunk mine. <3 And as Jay said, You're still in my links. =)

At 12 September, 2020, Blogger Nino Nurmadi , S.Kom said...

At 18 October, 2020, Blogger Jane wembli said...

Hi everyone,I’m so excited my husband is back after he left me for another woman. My husband was having an affair with a co-worker and i love my husband so much but he was cheating on me with his co-worker and this girl i think she use witchcraft or black magic on my husband to make him hate me and this was so critical and uncalled-for, I cry all day and night for God to send me a helper to bring back my husband! I was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr.Wealthy can help get ex-boyfriend back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it, then he did a love spell for me. 22hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me so much, Oh My God! i was so happy, and today i am happy with my man again and we are joyfully living together and i thank the powerful spell caster Dr.Wealthy, he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the here. if you are here and your Lover is turning you down, or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact Dr.Wealthy for help now..Here’s his email,
He also do the following spell
Pregnancy spell
Love spell
Penis enlargement spell
Winning spell
His email,
Or his WhatsApp +2348105150446


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