Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Weekly Words Challenge 13! (Sorta)

The words for this week were Want and Green.

Had the weekend gone as originally intended, which involved a lot of shopping and decorating, I might have had some pictures. But sadly, the plans changed. So my only photo opportunities this week revolved around a funeral and a lot of unruly relatives drinking. True, pictures of drunk relatives are funny even when they're not your relatives, but I'd like to keep myself in the good graces of my soon to be family-in-law thankyouverymuch. So I'm taking a "Get Out Of WWC Free" card today and letting you do all the work.

Well? Whatcha waiting for?

The words for next week are:


If you haven't joined the fun, go
here for details.

P.S. Thank you guys for the condolences and kind words. For all the negative things that are said about humans and humanity (or the lack of), you continuously prove that love and compassion are still alive and well. Thank you for being such wonderful friends.

Weekend Recap:
1. It's amazing what you learn about someone after they're gone.
2. Hoop's Grandfather was described in his eulogy as a "West Virginia Hillbilly." His wife, Hoop's Grandmother, had been a Russian immigrant living in New York when they met. They were an unlikely match.
3. At the time of AG's death, they had been married for 62 years!
4. As we walked along the line of flowers and pictures, I couldn't help but marvel at this person I had never known. I had met him in the sunset of his life. But at the peak, he had been a tall man with a huge smile who was slow to anger and loved working with his hands.
5. AG had served as a signalman on the USS North Carolina in the Pacific during World War II. During the battle of Coral Sea, he survived his ship being hit by a torpedo.
6. Despite all this, AG never learned how to swim.
7. It's sad that sometimes it takes a funeral for people to learn about one another.
8. It's sad that AG wasn't here, in body, to see how much we all loved him.
9. It's not always possible to know when one's life is about to end. But in these circumstances, when the subject is starting to forget and the years are coming to a close, maybe we should have a gathering (not unlike a funeral) where the person everyone is celebrating can attend.
10. Last night, after the bugle had played and the flag was rolled, Hoop's Grandmother turned to Hoop and said, "Who am I going to yell at now?"
11. Funerals always make me reevaluate my life. They make me take stock of all the things I'm afraid to lose.
12. Oddly, for the time and money they cost me, the house and the material goods are at the bottom of that list.
13. It's strange that we work so hard and long for the money to buy things we don't have time to enjoy and that keep us from spending time with the people we love.
14. Anyhoop, that's my fucked up thought for the day. Moving on to other things.
15. Any guesses what I thought I saw last night lying dead on the side of the road?
16. If you guessed Werewolf, you would be correct.

Daily Hoop Conversation:
Hoop: Oh my God, what was that?
Tink: I don't know. Turn around.
*Passes it again*
Hoop: Did you see it?
Tink: I think it was a Werewolf!
Hoop: A Werewolf.
Tink: It was HUGE!
*Passes it again*
Hoop: It's a- wild boar.
Tink: Wow.
Hoop: *Chuckles* Werewolf.
Tink: Shut up. Did you see the size of that thing?!

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At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Odd Mix said...

Drat. I'm unprepared. Ummmm... My dogs ate my homework.

I'll play this comming week, OK?

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Jay said...

Tink & Hoop ... Hope everyone is doing okay. I'm sure it was a very difficult weekend.

Drunk relatives, even somebody else's relatives are always fun.

I played. Of course. ;-)

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Chelle Y. said...

I think you deserve a break this week! I am still sorry about Hoop's grandpa. He was so cute!

My grandma is in her last stages of Alzheimer's now. It's a horrible disease!

God bless!

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Jay said...

I'm sorry for your loss, but I love the way you chose to remember him. Big hugs.

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Chris said...

Sounds like there was a proper wake for AG!

You'll have to stop by in the next day or so - I posted a contest Friday that you will probably enjoy (and the prize isn't knitting related!).

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger g-man said...

Glad to be on the positive side of humanity (for a change ;) Hope you had a good weekend given the circumstances.

I think I have enough photos for the both of us. :)

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Jen said...

Mulligan for you. I agree.

I only have one picture. You could say I cheated. . . .

I'm glad you're back. A weekend like that can be tough - even with drinking.

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Peggy said...

Who died and left Hoop the expert on what is or is not a werewolf? It COULD have been a werewolf!

It was interesting to find out about all that AG did before. Poor Mrs AG, she'll miss her partner of 62 years.

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Jay said...

I bet AG had lots of great stories to tell. He'd seen a lot. Maybe Hoop's Grandmother could do a bit of an oral history for you guys. It might be pretty interesting.

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger R.E.H. said...

No worries about using the "free card" today, you sure have had enough on your mind not to worry about taking pictures.

I've also always been amazed at how much you learn about a person after they're gone... things you wish you knew while they were alive.

Werewolf... It could be you know. Who's to say they don't exist anyway?

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger R.E.H. said...

Oh... of course, I played!

At 11 December, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drunk relatives: This is what I wish for on Christmas Day when I have to spend time with my BIL and SIL. When they're drunk it's the only time either of them have a sense of humor.


At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Scottsdale Girl said...

AG was there baby...totally diggin what you all were saying about him and feeling all that love. Trust me he was there.

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Newt said...

So, here we are, somber and reflective, missing AG, loving the thoughts you have. And of course, in true Tink style you manage to make us laugh - snort actually - a nice loud, make people look over their cubicle snort. I adore that about you.

I will be posting WWC tonight - have to download them off camera still. But I will play, I promise.

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Chris said...

I wish I'd known AG, too - he seems like a pretty amazing person.

Hey, maybe it WAS a werewolf and "they" switched out the body with a wild boar while you were turning around.

At 11 December, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In one of your recent posts you had pictures of AG's workshop. They spoke multitudes of his craft and habits. The tools were lined up by size and type. It looked as though there was not an item that didn't hold immense possibilities, and therefore odds and ends that another might have discarded were filed and numbered for future projects. I picture him to have been a craftsman that took pride in his work; patient, organized, satisfied to work with his hands, I imagine in solitude - but thinking all the time. There was a lot of life lived in those few pictures. I really enjoyed them. Rest in peace, AG.


At 11 December, 2007, Blogger furiousBall said...

might have been a wereboar

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Kell said...

We are more than happy to give you a day off. I did my part!

*snort* wereboar. Good one furiousball

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Molly said...

I am sorry for your loss Tink and Hoop. You are right that sometimes,"it takes a funeral for people to learn about one another." To me a another misfortune is sometimes people only see old friends at funerals.

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Gordo said...

I dind't find out that a neighbour of my parents had served with the Canadian Army in Burma in WWII until his funeral. I wish I'd known before, I would have loved to sit down and talk.

My mother-in-law in 85 and suffered a stroke after a fall this summer. We're planning a family get-together with her over the holidays. Unfortunately, she's still in hospital, but at least the sunroom is big. :-D

I dunno, I expect my first thought would be werewolf if I saw a boar dead along the road. The biggest thing I've ever seen along the road was a raccoon.

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger meno said...

62 years? My mind boggles.

No pictures of the werewolf? That i would like to see.

Don't worry, funerals take precident over word challenges.

At 11 December, 2007, Blogger Hilary said...

Lovely post, Tink. I'm sorry this was such a difficult time for you and Hoop. When you're up to it, you can come collect your congrats for tying for first place in the captions contest. :)

At 12 December, 2007, Blogger Aunt Jackie said...

Wow Tink!! I ALMOST Didn't get to post this week either... But I did at the last minute before midnight so my blog wouldn't turn into a pumpkin! :)

Sorry to hear about the circumstances of late... Hope all is well.

My WWC Is Up... XOXO


At 12 December, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too had to post it late(a day later!)

My condolences for Hoop's Grandad

God bless

At 12 December, 2007, Blogger Christy said...

Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks turned into a werepup once after having been bitten. I can see him being confused for a wild boar. Not so crazy when you think about it that way. =o)

At 12 December, 2007, Blogger Gordo said...

I'll definitely be posting pics for next week, Tink. How could a guy who lives in the wintry part of the world pass up life and white? LOL

At 12 December, 2007, Blogger Chelle Y. said...

I agree with Newt, I was just thinking about all the things you were writing about AG, then at the end, you surprised me with something funny.

This is what I would say about you, Tink.

You are kind. No matter how terrible or sad a situation can be, you can always find some way to either laugh or smile through the situation.

People are better by knowing you.

At 12 December, 2007, Blogger the planet of janet said...

glad you're back ... werewolf and all.

At 12 December, 2007, Blogger Lynnea said...

Hey, werewolf is totally plausible. You don't really think Buffy the Vampire Slayer is fiction do you?

At 12 December, 2007, Blogger mamatulip said...

When I met Dave's grandmother she was already lost, deep in the dredges of Alzheimer's. I always wished that I could have met her before it took her...she was such a huge part of Dave's life and I felt almost cheated that I met this shell of a woman instead of the amazing woman she was.

Glad you're back.

At 12 December, 2007, Blogger cmacc said...

My WWC pics are up, thanks for carrying on the idea, its brilliant.

At 13 December, 2007, Blogger mrspao said...

It is really lovely that you were able to find out so many interesting things to remember about Hoop's grandfather. He sounded like a special person.


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