Weekly Words Challenge 18!
The words for this week were Soft and Square.
How did you interpret them?


(NOT Squares)
*Pictures I thought were of squares until the Shape Police *cough*Hoop*cough* informed me that they are of RECTANGLES. Oh poo.
Red Brick Road

Stone Stairs


What the hell is an air potato and why do they want the vines?!
The words for next week are:
If you haven't joined the fun, go here for details.
Labels: WWC
GOT IT, soft AND square, oh yes.
I managed to find a few things that were soft and square too. But don't feel bad about rectangles, I cropped my rectangles so they looked like squares. HA!
Love your shots!
My photos are up. I love the pic of the stairs! The air potatoes had me rolling. I googled them & came up with:
(Dioscorea bulbifera), a disco plant?...air potato vines have been spread by unsuspecting gardeners... It's like the herpes of the plant-world LOL!
the stone stairs shot is awesome
Nice pictures. I have to agree with Hoop, I censured myself if is was not exactly a square. I had LOTS of rectangle stuff :) I like the stone stairs too.
Air potatoes? Is that what they make air guitars from?
Lovely job as always.
I also had the shape police telling me that rectangles don't count. Some people have no vision, you know. :) I guess we had the same idea as a back up plan. LOL
Air potato vines. Huh. Dang, I meant to take a picture of some soft, square blocks this weekend, but when you're toddler wrangling, you just don't think of getting the camera...
Rectangles and squares are basically the same thing, right? Aren't they? No? Hmmm.
I didn't actually measure my "squares" to make sure they were perfect, so my "squares" might be rectangle-like objects too.
Anyway, LOVE the steps!
Air potatoes don't sound too filling to me. Talk about your empty carbs! ;-)
I almost took a picture of my cat for "soft" too.
I had a feeling you were going to pick triangle.
air potato sounds like a fart..
Great photos, particularly the brick road and the stone steps. Wonderful perspective on both.
And I love flutter's comment.. too funny. :)
Air potatoes?
And their vines?
Very cool keyboard photo. Air potatos..hm...maybe they are baked.
The keyboard is a great idea! wow, air potatoes...I guess they are tossed!
I like the keyboard photo. That's cool.
All this talk about squares and rectangles make me think of an old Sesame Street record I had as a kid... it has the song "The Square Song" on it. If in doubt what a square looks like - listen to that song ;)
Lovely pictures as usual Tink - even the square ones. I have a similar shot to your Red Brick Road (had it been yellow, I'd ramble on about Wizard of Oz), only mine were actually square ;)
That's right - mine are finally up!
Great photos as always!! I like the rectangle patterns too, kick Hoop and tell him squares are in the eye of the beholder!! :)
The soft one is cool too, since I am a cat lover.
Oh, and mine are up up up and away!
You mean you're not planning to attend the Air Potato Rodeo?
You've got me hooked. I expect to be envying everyone else's triangles next week, but I'll be giving it a shot myself too.
The stone steps are freak'n cool. And what IS an air potato?????
Too funny.
That cat is very funny - it has a 'I'm sure this ledge was bigger' look on its face! My favourite photo is the red brick road.
You take such great photos.
I played! I love love love your keyboard shot, brilliant!
i looooooove the keyboard... and the stone stairs.
nice shots!
awww. Kitty! I always love kitty pictures. :)
Yes, what the hell is an air potato????
Mine are up a day late and with some not exactly squares, but whatevs!
Air potato is an invasive plant species in Florida that should be removed from public and private properties to help protect the stat's natural areas. It has been listed by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council as one of Florida's most invasive plant species since 1993 and was added to the Florida Noxious Wee List by the Floriday Deparment of Agriculture and Sonumer Services in 1999. Plants on the Florida Noxious Weed List may not be introduced, possessed, moved, or released without a permit. (doesn't that mean you should be depositing the air potatoe at that site?)
Very nice pics.
Air potatoes? Strange. Maybe they're like wireless growing potatoes that get good internet access in Starbucks?
I'm up! I'm up!
Great photos, but now I have to go look up air potatoes.
Now I'm scared of Air Potatoes? What if they take over the WORLD???
Great pics this week!
Envy and Triangle huh? That gives me dirty thoughts.
what is an air potato vine?!?
Tink, this made me think of you:
too funny!
I swear your photography skills are getting better all the time.
I never eat air potatoes...they give me too much gas.
air potatoes are awful. i dont think they have them up here, but when i lived in fla, they were everywhere. they grow super fast and choke out trees and other good vegetation. although, as a kid we had a great time using them as ammunition.
alright this is my first time playing so cut me just a little slack. I have the soft part down. possibly the square in the same picture as well. but possibly not. www.westofcleveland.blogspot.com
Air Potatoes? I bet they go well with an invisble ribeye. Cheers!!
Oh, poop on Hoop, I liked those pictures. Specially the brick walkway, I have walkway envy. The typewriter keys are very cool though - I just saw a bracelet in an antique shop made out of those old timey round typewriter keys - they'd somehow strung them together into words.
You always take the most awesome pictures! I need to figure out my new digital camera that my daughter gave me for Christmas so that I can join in the fun!
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