Fizzy Logic
(Now ten times better than fuzzy logic!)
The one difference between men and women is...
-Well shit, there's a lot of them.-
Men spend their money in really stupid ways. Like on five-hundred dollars worth of Garbage Pail Kid cards. No, of course I didn't LET him. But the point is, he wanted to. It started off innocently enough. Hoop expressed a wish to collect them. I thought, "Cool, a hobby!" So like the
But Hoop decided he didn't have the patience to collect them a few at a time, he wanted have them ALL, RIGHT NOW. See, by the caps you can tell the seriousness of his tone. In reply I said, "HA HA HA. I DON'T THINK SO, BUDDY." Again, with the caps. Then he mumbled, "IdowhatIwant." But he didn't buy them. Which is good, because they would have made really lousy wedding favors.
Women are so much more sensible.
Which brings me around to my most recent purchase...
A sock zombie.

I named him Chewsocca. He's got a toehawk!

He's my tote protection, in case anyone tries to steal my books. He was made by an awesome chick named Erin. Click that, it's her blog. Not only is she crafty and has a sick love for zombies (which I share), she's super funny. Tell her I sent you and that Chewie says hi. She'll probably be like, "WHO?!" But whatever. If you would like to adopt one of Chewie's brothers or sisters, you can check out Erin's Etsy shop here: UNDERROOS.
Have a fantastic weekend Homebloys!
Labels: I Heart Etsy
Hee hee - she sounds perfect for Van, actually. ;)
Heh, my grown up husband has nearly all of them - ORGANIZED IN THREE RING BINDERS!!! He and Hoop are of one mind... he wanted to just go on ebay and buy the ones he needed, but I put my foot down. That's not collecting, that's buying a collection! If he wants them, he's buying them a pack at a time at Target just like our 9 year old son does!
Hope the wedding plans are going well. Best of luck! (And hopefully Hoop won't want to put "Snotty Sally" and "Regurgitate Nate" in place of the bride and groom on top of the wedding cake)
I found Erin's site about four months ago. And I sat down and read because she's that funny. I never did that for anyone, not even Dooce.
Man. Is that sock zombie house trained? That's important. Also it should really be trained to refreain from eating the brains of you and Hoop, did you make sure it's had its proper behavior training? Can you train a sock zombie? You better keep one eye open just in case.
Okay, so now I am totally curious and am on my way to click over to "Erin's" site.
But, isn't a sock zombie kinda' a teeny, weenie, weenie bit of a waste of money? I know, not $500.00. [NMB, I'll shut my mouth now ;)]. I bet I could make one on my sewing machine!!
In my house? We are both pretty practical. Do we sound boring? We aren't. We are just....particular. [Particularly ANAL.] LOL!
ROFL @ Toehawk.... and while I am here WTF woudl anyone want with $500 worth of Gargage Pail Kids?
Etsy is dangerous. I could look at stuff there for hours. Love Chewie! He's awesome.
I'm with Emily on the matter of collecting. Isn't the joy of collecting all about painstakingly finding all the pieces, one by one, and savouring each victory? I mean, I don't officially collect anything, but that seems reasonable to me. If you buy them all at once it's more of a "set". Like cutlery. (I used to have collected cutlery and now I have a set. There is a visible difference.)
Garbage Pail Kids? Never heard of them. I'm not really a collector though. Other than disappointments and enemies. I collect them all the time. ;-)
And blog number 127 goes into my Google Reader.
No, I don't have a life, why do you ask?
Have a great weekend Tinkinator!
You know what? I feel like Chewsocca looks today. I do. I really, really do.
I am also totally smitten for Pink & Black Toehorn Zombie. . . .
I feel like him too.
I think Etsy is eating my brain. Maybe you can have sock zombies on top of your cake. You are right though, garbage kid things are not a wise purchase. How would they ever protect your feet in a zombie war?
{jay] Tinkinator! LOL! That's cute! Really likin' that!
Great nick name for "tink" and as my daughter loves tinker bell (she gets all interested when she sees tinks blog or little logo) -- and she is a mini-version of the terminator...Tinkinator works well!
Okay... now I see why you have weird dreams about zombies ;)
Well, women sure know how to spend their money on not-so-useful things too, as you clearly demonstrated in this post ;)
Maybe start a collection of zombie socks? Now, admittedly, that would be cooler than Garbage Pail Kid Cards.
Okay, I'm in. Erin is in my favs. Am I THAT easy? Or, she's just that funny?
She's not straight to the blog favs list though, I'm learning. I'm not a first blog, kinda' Gal [anymore].
Of course, you are there [like I'm all important and you care, LOL] because you have great words, I love your "Hoop & U" stories and, all the rest; and, r.e.h. is there, because I'm addicted to his romantic literary nature...and the rest of what he says too.
Good lord, I guess I'm over to see what Erin's blog is all about!
Tink, I LOVE the sock zombie. I may have to get my husband one of those - wish I'd seen it in time for Valentine's day. Nooooo...even better, I'll buy one and hide it under the covers on his side of the bed. *cackle*
Have a fantabulous weekend -
ok seriously?
SHUT UP Chewsocka freakin rules.
Chewsocka and Chewbacca (my puffy cat) totally need to HOOK UP.
wow and you say MEN make dumb purchases?
why do you need a sock zombie when you can buy a real zombie? now that's a good purchase!
: )
OMG! That is sooooo cool!
I totally want one now...
cute zombies and monsters, oh yes!
Oh I love Chewie! Except for the blood, which looks like jam, which makes me want to throw him the zombies shrink in the wash?
You'd deny Hoop the pleasure of collecting cards but you waste valuable resources on a sock zombie?
I can see that...
I agree that collecting needs to be done one or two pieces at a time. Love your sock zombie! Now if you have other zombies (sock or not) and start buying others, then you have a collection too.
pao is the same about collecting - it has to be all or nothing. Cute zombie!
I'm not into zombies (I thought at first that Chewie had ketchup on his face) but I have to admit he sure is a cutie. Cutie Chewie.
He reminds me of the "damit doll" that my grandmother gave me. I should send you a pic of it, along with the little poem to explain his existence.
word verification reads: be cutie, be tri-
WHAT?!? {bqtbtri}
hm, is she related to Bake and Destroy? She has a weird fascination obsession with zombies too. In fact, she wrote a cookbook in their honor.
I wants one!
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