Pictures, Take Two

I found this key and lock behind my desk. Oddly, it doesn't actually lock anything.

I found this Queen of Clubs lying on the ground, presumably napping.

After Hoop left, I went to work on the laundry, and I haven't found the top of the table since.

If you haven't already, check out the other WWC photogs in the comment section of yesterday's post!
Daily Etsy Pick:
Waist Candy
Labels: I Heart Etsy, WWC
A small drinking village with a fishing problem.
I dig the Queen of Clubs, she's hot, i want to do her. i'm on percoset.
Love love the photos!
Okay, I'M LATE but I got my posted this morning. And, how did you know I was using lips and roses too? Great minds think alike [smiley-wink]!
The queen might have been napping, but I think she's got something to do with that key & lock. hmmmmm?
you got a booger in your nose
I love the composition and shadow of the Key and Lock photo!! As I said again, you should NEVER be afraid to post up yours, they're always top notch. :) Very well played this week Tinkster!!
Curve ones are all very delicate and dramatic too.
I like the key and the card ... I don't like laundry ...
That rose is so darn sex-ay. Well, and the lips o' course.
I went back and looked for the booger.
That key HAS to lock SOMETHING! That would bug me, specially bein my desk and all.
Hey girl - I love your pictures, as always. My favorite is the lips though.
I came by yesterday and caught up - I'm glad Hoop is back safe and sound. I like being alone, but I like being alone when I know I can walk into the other room for company if I want it. Totally alone is completely different. ;)
I love the look of the place that you picked for your reception, it looks so charming. Isn't that a big relief to be able to cross that off? I'll keep my fingers crossed for the wedding site too.
Missed ya!
*waving at you from laundry hell*
Love that picture of the Queen - very original, very inspiring.
Same thing goes for the key.
And the curve of your(?) lips.
Awesome pics... worth the the extra day of waiting ;)
Yellow roses are my favorites. Beautiful light play there.
that picture of the key has me wondering what kind of hidden world is unlocked by it... then i remember you told us it doesn't unlock anything, and i wake up!
So that's what folded laundry looks like! I wouldn't know, I've never folded mine.
Very creative pictures! Each one of them were very clever.
Tink, you are amazing.
hey, was that your orange mouth?
I keep meaning to take pictures of my own...
Yours are always so beautiful.
Did you know I have an Etsy shop? Of course, there's nothing in it right now since I never have time to sew at this stage in my kids' lives. But I have tons of ideas for new projects just cooking away in my brain. Someday, though . . . maybe I can make some money off of my hobby.
Hot lips! Love the rose too...for some reason I want to take a bite out of it.
I'm doing laundry now, yucka.
I feel like I've been doing nothing but laundry for the last week. Great shots as usual!
heh. cant do laundry. water heater is broken.
of course, i can't take a shower either. hmmm.
cool photos as usual.
Beautiful and creative!
Tink, you outdo yourself every time. Beautiful representations all around.
The laundry looks just like my table.
Really LOVE the pics , Tink!
Great pictures. I love the flower.
Very very nice... I love the lips!
My shop is called kinderstikken - a Dutch conglomerative of "child" and "quilt" that I kind of made up. My actual storefront needs some work, but I'm not savvy in the way of designing banners and such. Want to barter?
My new favorite shop is candleconfections - homemade candles that look just like cupcakes!
Hey Tink, popping over from Doc & Mt Cats place....
Great photos! Love the lips.... oooh do I ever love the lips!
I have that same problem with laundry, only it never leaves the laundry basket..I have this phobia with folding..
Another great round of pictures!
Happy almost friday and weekend!
We're heading down to florida next week. stopping in Springhill, ocala area for a few days and then onto West Palm,..
I'll wave to you as we pass the tiny little drinking village..perhaps I'll make my husband stop so I can have a drink and say I did. :)
Tink, I have the same striped shirt!
I like the way you decorate your living room,it's simple lines it's cozy,clean and clutter free,when you get the laundry all put away.LOL.
Is there a glass top on your coffee table,Tink?
Love the way you've captured the textured surface of the playing card. I must have your camera! Or your eye for photography.
Most excellent as usual! The lips and the card are especially cool. You rock!
P.s. That desk one would be a good one for next week too. :)
Interesting village too!
ref: the link to caughtredhanded's etsy shop: the waist candy - Peneolope (their spelling). I don't suppose you know if the art is this lopie?
It sure looks like her art, and I believe she lives in the Carolinas now.
cool curves! :-D
I like the lips.
and the rose
and all
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