Weekly Words Challenge 21!
The words for this week were Narrow and Broad, and again my suckiness prevailed. The battery on my camera went thbth over the weekend and instead of charging it then I was all like, "Eh. I'll do it later." Next thing I knew, it was nine o'clock last night and I was making hand-vaginas out of desperation. That was going to be the picture for "narrow" by the way. I had a picture of a hand-gina pushing out the head of a teddy bear in mind for "broad". Aren't you amazed by my maturity? Astounding for a twenty-five year old, I know.
So for your viewing pleasure I bring you...
Pictures of WWCs Past!
How did you interpret the words?


The words for next week are:
If you haven't joined the fun, go here for details.
Labels: WWC
OMG, dude looks like a lady! Nice dress! Clever using those bridges too.
I've got mine up, will add more later
Love that first bridge and the one that leads to the door to that apartment or townhouse or whatever they call it.
Hand-ginas?? LOL ... I really think we need some of those!
I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a LOT of bridges this week, lol.
I'm already stymied by next week's words ... yikes!
At any rate ... mine are up. Enjoy!
Hey, at least it was just your hands! I think that is a VERY clever idea.
Oh, My Goodness!!! That is one interesting.... uhm... broad! ;)
The bridge pics were wonderful! Especially that first one which was amazing.
Words for next week - very intimidating! We'll see how that goes.
LOL at "broad."
I think I might have spit coffee at that last one, but alas I was not drinking any!
Love the past, very nice!
Suckiness?? What?? PUlleaze... Mine look rushed and inadequate... but nevertheless, I prevailed and I'm back this week.
Thanks again for the sweet wishes, all seems to be going o.k. on the home front. You guys have a great week!
He needs a full-body wax! Love the first bridge pic, it made me want to run across it.
That is one scary broad!
Wow, Excellent job my dear.
Great pics! Where do y'all get all this fantabulous scenery? We are a bunch of flat, black, dirted fields right now. It get's pretty when the crop starts coming up, though.
Now, when we make a trip to float the Frio, I'll have some fab pics then!
I am really excited about this week's WWC. I think I got it in the bag (of course, everyone else will probably have the same idea. But, great minds think alike).
And on a personal note: Would love to see a pic of your "ring." That could count for "motion" [of your life] and "suspend" [-ed, on your finger]. Too personal a pic, possibly...but it's a girl [Gal] thing.
Oh Hell, I always hit up the archives to fill out my posts. My last one will be perfect for next week :)
You will have to charge the battery and show us your 'gina trick :) Good job.
I love the photos you used for narrow. :)
Great narrow photos!! I spit my diet pepsi all over the monitor when I read about your hand-gina...then I saw your Clinger-like "broad" and it came out my nose!!! I need to stop drinking dp when I blog!
Mine are up. Such as they are!!
ok you are under arrest for that last one.
If those "narrow" pictures were part of a word association test, my knee-jerk response would be "mountain bike". Except for the stairs.
Is that wrong?
Lovely photos, Tink. Too funny, that broad. :)
OMG my eyes are burning!
Lovely photos Tink! Is it just me, or does the bridge to the apartment remind anyone else of Fagin's hideaway in "Oliver"? Or am I just old?
Love your idea of broad!
I totally had to bow out of this week. I could not think of anything, but I did not get out much!
Great pictures, though. I must say that I am glad you did not go with you first thought, but I am immature that way too! :)
Those are wonderful pictures, no matter when they were taken. Love the first one, especially.
OMG! The last one...
By the way, the idea of using old WWCs for new one's is great! We can call it as WWC classics :)
I'd like to comment on the "broad" picture but I have to go vomit now...
ok, that last one is going to keep me up all night... and it's already 4 a.m.
i'm doomed.
narrow wooden bridges...not my cup of tea, but the broad, foxy in a red dress....roflmao
So, do the pics have to be my own, winter in WI limits where I can get to. But I can always scan older pics in too. I want to play along.
Dude your broad picture is hilarious!!! And the bridged are clever.
Every time I see that broad pic I run and hide under my bed and cry.
I have Aerosmith in my head now.
Hehehe :) so funny!
I should never click on your blog when everybody but me is sleeping...
They get really mad when I laugh loud.
Y'all have a good day now, ya hear?
Love the walk-way/bridge and the staircase.
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