My Inner Geek
Anyone here into LOST?
If you go on the Oceanic Airlines site, copy the text on the homepage and then paste it somewhere else you get this:
If anyone should find this message, please get word I'm alive and stranded on an island somewhere in the South Pacific. Please send help soon. Things are bad. And they're getting worse...
I survived a horrific plane crash and am stranded on an island somewhere Northeast of Australia and Southwest of Hawaii. In the event that I am never found, please forward word of my fate to my parents.

(Picture duplicated and then flipped)
Also, if you go to the "Track Flight" section and click "Track" next to the first option, you'll see this message among the flight information:
572 Giveus THE 08:00 24:00 -- BOY 08:00 24:00 --
If you click on "Track" of the second option it brings you to a seating chart for the plane. Click on "Pre-board Check-In". What you see next is the name "Ethan Rom" and a bunch of blank boxes. Click and drag the letters until they spell out "Other Man", the anagram of Ethan's name. A clip of Walt being taken by the Others suddenly appears. Creepy huh?
Then, if you click on the seating arrangement in the numbers of Hurley's winning lotto ticket (4,8,15,16,23,42) you get another clip from season two as well as being directed to another site. Obviously this stuff is pretty old, we're already on season four. But I was tickled that I found it on my own. It's kind of like finding the clue sites for Cloverfield here and here. I know, I'm such a nerd.
Look for another post later!
Labels: Stupidity
Hubby & I never got into Lost. From what I hear, it is a good show. We'll have to borrow the DVDs from ETK to get into it.
I'm so LOST!
I should take a month off work and lock myself up in my apartment with the season DVD's of Lost. I really want to see the series, but I never did, and now I'm so far behind.
I file Lost under the same section as Guitar Hero - "Stuff I Won't Start, Because I'm Afraid I Won't Ever Be Able to Stop"
LOVE glad to have it back even if only for 8 weeks.
It's all Geek to me..
Once I got behind on Lost I figured I wouldn't get caught up. I guess I could have with the DVDs and online downloads and some of those websites that may or may not be legal where you can find the episodes.
So, I guess I have no excuse really. ;-)
yes, maybe you're a nerd, but nerds are cute
I found the same easter egg, but found it in the code (view --> page source).
I'm okay with being a geek...and thanks for the 411 on the seating chart.
I have season 1 sitting in my "to be watched" pile...
Oooh. Gonna forward this to Dave. He's obsessed with Lost.
I was only into it the first 2 seasons. I love it when they have unexpected stuff like that for shows. The website for that vampire flick 30 Days of Night scared the hell out of me; it was better than the movie.
I watched the first couple of seasons, but then missed too many episodes - one day I will rent the dvd's and watch the rest. Probably when it is all over with though, because I am so fast at that sort of thing.
I haven't watched the season opener yet but this is the reason I love Lost. So much little stuff...
This stuff is fantastic! I'm an inner geek too. Have yet to see an episode of LOST though.
Good stuff!
Welcome aboard! I have been watching since the first season. My whole family (and extended) is totally into it. My brother sends out a recap and all kinds of cool stuff in an email the next day after a new Lost. Last nights show was awesome!
Yes, but you are the nicest nerd that I know. Okay, you are really not a nerd, but an informed and creative Tink.
YESSSSSSS!!! I haven't missed an episode ... appointment television at its finest! Thanks for the info on the website - I wonder if it has a connection to the "subliminal" scenes embedded in that Oceanic Airlines commercial shown during that show that came on right after Lost last night? I'm sure that info will be flushed out by cybergeeks like you and me in the next week or two.
Don't watch the show, but totally love the little puzzles and'd you find that! Wicked awesome.
you lost me on this one... heh
Sorry for my very quick and lame comment here. I moved my site.
I too am a Lostie. I don't do the online experience much, but that's why I have people like you around. ;)
that is so cool! thanks for sharing! We are just 8 episodes into season 2 right now so it's perfect timing for us! ;)
I think it's the work of the Pentavarate. "The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettes, The Rothchilds and Col. Sanders before he went tits up!"
Wow that is pretty sneaky! Though I had to put a secret message on a website before which said "This information is not meant to be copied sorry about your luck." It took over the clipboard on a PC but didn't work on a mac. =o/
*self proclaimed queen nerd*
Love Lost, haven't gone to the website yet because I am afraid it would consume too much of my time. Did you ever play that computer game called Myst? It sounds like the same kind of thing, with hidden codes and messages all over the place. I liked it, my little brother was addicted.
Never got into Lost. It just seems to be a bunch of pretty people arguing and sometimes running through a jungle.
I'm not really a Lost person... I'm more of a Giligan's Island guy.
I've not seen Lost, but after seeing this I might give it a try.
i saw an ad on ABC after turning from the super bowl and they convinced me that i wouldn't be "lost" if i started watching it now. i'm looking for something to get into on thursdays.
But, you are a fun nerd :)
Oh, and I love LOST!
I love that you are that much of a nerd. I want all that info and do not have the patience to find it myself lol
I LOVE the show and it just keeps getting better
And not just because of Sawyer. I swear.
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