Weekly Words Challenge 20!
I was going to post a rant yesterday about how bad snot is for my skin...
But then our Internet went down and saved you.
My little brother called this morning to tell me I was getting old. The little shit. Just wait until he turns twenty-five. I'm going to buy him a walker! This year my birthday is marked with many other events: the Florida elections, our quarter sales meeting, my period. *SIGH* I woke up at 5:30 this morning so I could leave with enough time to vote and still make it to work my usual ten minutes late. I didn't think it would be difficult to accomplish, considering the polling place was only two minutes away from our house. Of course that meant I got lost.
Actually I could SEE the building, I just couldn't get to it. I drove up and down the road for five minutes looking for a place that crossed the ten foot fence dividing us. Finally the old man standing out front took pity on me. "Just hop the fence!" He yelled. Yeah oh-kay buddy. Maybe if I hadn't been wearing five inch heels. "How do I get over there?" I yelled back. He explained that I had to enter through the park on the other side of the main road. Basically, without having to draw you a map, I'm a fucking idiot. There were political signs making an arrow to the entrance.
I left the polling place feeling exuberant. There's something thrilling about voting. Maybe it's because no one will ever really know who I chose. Maybe it's because life so seldom offers us a choice. I recommend everyone doing it. It's sad to me that 90% of the people I know don't vote. They don't care. They're too busy. They're scared. Whatever the reason, it's lame. I promise you, if you do it once you'll be hooked. Even if your candidate doesn't win, at least you'll know that you tried. For four years I've been rubbing it in, "Well I didn't vote for HIM." Voting is power, dude.
The words for this week were Pride and Circle.
How did you interpret them?
Members Of My Pride


It's amazing what you'll find when you clean out a garage.

(Random Pictures)

The words for next week are:
If you haven't joined the fun, go here for details.
Labels: Celebration, WWC
Happy Birthday Tink!
Your elbow bends weird btw.
Happy happy birthday!
Love your photos of the magnifying glass circle with you posing, cam in hand! Very cool and artsy!!
This WWC is getting to be one of my favorite blog days. I can't wait to see what others do with circle and pride!!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!
In honor of 25, you must watch "Some Like It Hot"..."quarter of a century, makes a girl think" or in your case, tink.
Dang it!! Why didn't I know today was your birthday? I should have known. Now I feel bad.
Happy Birthday Tink!
"Maybe it's because no one will ever really know who I chose."
Oh come on! Be proud of that vote for Mike Huckabee!! LOL ;-)
Period's suck. But you knew this.
LOVE love love the pics! Very creative!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! For like the fifth time today?
those are cool, Tink!
I got it in one, have a look:
btw: 25? OLD?
happy birthday! it's my office assistant phil's birthday too. but he got a nosebleed. i made him a hat, and that cheered him up.
Happy Birthday Tink, amazing pictures as always.
Totally agree with you on voting. I got my absentee ballot in the mail today for the Maryland Primary and i've been smiling ever since. I came inside and sat down and voted and i just feel giddy with excitement
Happy Birthday, Tink!
Wow, 25? A quarter of a century? You're so freakin old! LOL!
Yeah, periods & sickliness on birthdays are no fun! Hopefully Hoop will do something great to counter that!
Happy Birthday, Tink!!! I love that feeling where you can see where need to be, but you cannot get there. LOL. Love the photos.
Happy Birthday!
Great pictures! I especially love the Pride pictures!
Twenty-five!?! You're still a baby! :)
Happy Birthday! Oh, to be 25 again...
Okay, what is that thing you're holding in the third picture?
Happy Birthday, Tink! That trident is sweet!!!
Happy birthday, to a fine woman and a dandy American citizen!
Oh, 25 felt really, really old. I remember that. There was something so ... OLD ... about it.
26 was hard, too. But since then ... eh. Whatever. Maybe 35 will be hard again, who knows?
I had a much easier time this week with the challenge ... I'm VERY excited about this next week's words, but I can totally see myself flaking on them.
Happy Birthday, glad you voted, and nice to know that you did it in 5 inch heels. Purrrrrrr. Cheers!!
Happy Birthday!!!!
I have also found that the campaign signs almost point the way to the polling place... LOL!
Yes voting is power!
Happy Birthday, Tink dear. :) You've posted some very lovely photos as always... creative and moody.
I hope your 2nd quarter-century is wonderful.. and snot-free. :)
Happy 25th Birthday! The posing shadow looks like Steffi Graf in action (the magnifying glass can be regarded as a tennis bat) :D
25 Ppfft. Wait till 40! Happy birthday, enjoy 25!!!! Wicked cool photos as usual, LOVE the magnifying glass ones. (Furiousball is right, it does bend weird, ew. ;)
Mine are up.
Happy birthday. Hey at least your bro didn't call you an old fart like my roommate used to call me when I turned 24. ;)
of course your pictures rule you snotty filled old lady!
Hippo Birdies
Two Yus
Happy Happy Birthday!
You have a Trident in your garage? Did you date Neptune in a previous life?
I love your photos! Narrow and Broad for next week? I'll try for that!
P.s. You wore 5 inch heels to a "poling" place, maybe you had the wrong idea about voting ;) Ha ha I slay me. Anyway I bet you were serious eye candy for those in line. Makes voting that much more fun. Rock the vote!!!
Loved the pictures, as always. Delurking to wish you an insanely Happy Birthday!
25 and 35 were the most difficult birthdays for me. Now I'm well on my way to the next milestone.
Hey?! Great to have you back up and running -- hopefully, the icon of health, now?
Thanks for viewing my pics. I'll do better this next time... narrow, broad...got it.
25 is fab. But 35 is fab. too! Feliz Cumpleanos and Happy B-day!
VOTING: if not to vote for "your" preferred candidate at least to vote "against" the lesser evil..., or, however you see "the other guy." Cuz' the vote count's both ways, right?
(Ugh! Still new at this bloggie thing and I keep forgetting to close my Tags)
Happy Birthday, Sweets! Mine's tomorrow...turning 25 was unsettling the first time, but once you do it a few times, it gets much easier! :P
Great pics, you always have such a nice angle on the world...love the magnifying glass & the container full of red things.
I get really excited after voting & wear the silly sticker all day.
Hope you have a great one Tinky!
And just to be the oddball of the bunch... if you have the right to vote, you also have the right not to vote. Each choice is just as important as the other.
Happy Birthday! Maybe it feels old because it is, after all, a QUARTER OF A CENTURY!
Happy Birthday!!! I didn't know - so sorry. I would've sent you a thousand roses!
And, the WWC pictures are excellent as usual! Love the magnifying glass one!
Now... I'm headed back home to change my post and give you a proper birthday introduction instead of the lame one I came up with today... yes, my WWC is up!
Happy Birthday, lovely one!!!
Happy Birthday Tink!!
I see that FACTORY CARD OUTLET Has a huge 20% off sale on Tinkerbell party bubbles...go for it!!!
Have a great day!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY young 'un!! :-) Hope it is wonderful.
Happy Birthday! I saw it mentioned on r.e.h.'s blog. Twenty-five is a great birthday, even if it's filled with snots.
Now, I'm off to ponder how snot is bad for skin.
happy birthday, sweet Tink!
I love your photos of your "pride" - very smart - and of course the shadow of you with the mirror is the best.
Hope you do something special tonight with Hoop (other than swing like sex monkeys from the chandelier - birthday sex is a given.)
Happy 25th!!!
Here's to your next 25!(***she says clinking her glass on the monitor***)
As long as you wake up on this side of the grass it's all good..:)
Hi, Tink - and happy 25th to you!
I have been coming over to check out your WWC most weeks, courtesy of my friend ginni dee, and this week I joined you by posting a couple.
I'm really nervous about this, please don't laugh at my photos...
Happy happy day! Enjoy your year! I loved the pride shots, brilliant idea. Never thought of it that way and with a 4 year old me and the Lion King are "likethat". Mine are up also.
Happy Birthday! 25, awww... you're still just a kid! ;-)
I am right there with you on voting. I didn't start voting until I turned 30 (five years ago) but since then I haven't missed an opportunity.
rock the vote, tink!
I loved my birthdays until I hit the 7th-anniversary-of-my-29th-birthday. it has been a very, very tough year in dealing with that. But. . .good luck to you & have a fantastic rest o' the day! Enjoy your next 365-day ride around the sun.
Great photos Tink! I didn't post today, sorry, my Dad is in the hospital, we're hanging in hoping he's improving and all. Head injury--touch and go.
Your photos always look so professional... what type of camera is that??
happy birthday, tink...
Let's hear it for snot!
oh wait, I misunderstood.
Ben O.
OK-OK. I'm back in the game...just late....pix posted.
The Birthday Dirge. Grunt and pound your fist on the table at each (grunt).
Happy birthday. (grunt)
Happy birthday. (grunt)
Gloom and doom and dark despair
people dying everywhere
on your birthday. (grunt)
Happy birthday. (grunt)
When you reach the age you are
your demise cannot be far
from your birthday. (grunt)
Happy birthday. (grunt)
May the cities in your wake
burn like candles on your cake
on your birthday. (grunt)
Happy birthday. (grunt)
Perform strange sexual acts
with goats, camels, sheep, and yaks
on your birthday. (grunt)
Happy birthday. (grunt)
Happy Birthday, Tink.
I did the WWC for this week, so come on by and have a look.
Take care
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