I'm Addicted...
...to Etsy.
It's all Chris' fault.
It's become this sickness. I go on there and spend HOURS admiring all the beautiful, handmade stuff. Like these, and this. Ooo, and this! So, if I've been sporadic in my commenting and posting lately it's because I've sold my soul to Etsy. I know, I'm a Blogger traitor. I can't help it. I'm weak!
Some of you asked in yesterday's comments what I'm reading right now. I just finished "Water For Elephants" by Sara Gruen last week, which was PHENOMENAL. Now I'm reading "Under The Banner Of Heaven", a book about the Mormon
Last night was pretty boring. I was OK when I got home. I made dinner, played with the pups, and then read until LOST came on. But after the show was over, I sat there for about ten minutes trying to figure out what to do with myself. Total time Hoop will be gone, 77 hours. Total time it took me to miss him, 4 hours. It's going to be a loooong weekend. I'm not one of those needy, have-to-be-around-people chicks either. I genuinely like my alone time. But I also like to decide when I'm ready to not be alone again.
In Other News:
(I'm also addicted to LOLCATS now. I think I can blame that one on Chris too. She's such a pusher.)

Have a fantastic weekend Homebloys!
Labels: Books, I Heart Etsy, Stupidity
ah Tink....maybe absence makes the heart grow fonder, but Hoop's a lucky guy to have you missing and waiting for him
Miss him already after four hours? Oh, it's going to be a looong time before he comes back home...
...no seriously. You will adapt. The first few hours are the painstaking ones.
Noooo I can't have another online addiction. I found about 5 things I "need" on the first page of Etsy.
You just need a good long movie or marathon to get you through the hoopless hours.
Another online addiction? Sure, don't mind if I do.
Maybe it will distract me from http://www.jigzone.com/
"13th Tale" is an excellent book. Kell convinced me to read it and I was surprised that I actually liked it.
Any animal that pees and poops in a box over and over even though the box is dirty ... I can't handle that.
i was recently introduced to LOL cats. I sprnt hours looking back through the archives.
What a waste of time and i loved it.
I heart etsy too. I discovered it on my own back before Christmas. Too bad I had already bought everyone's gift(s) by then. etsy does have beautiful things, no?
I best not click the link. I plan on leaving my house for a couple of hours this weekend. Wish me luck, it's been months. Do people still speak english out there? ;)
Have you checked out Dawn Houser's Etsy Shop? http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=36456
I have an Etsy shop but haven't done anything with it yet. Maybe this summer when I have some free time! I love browsing thru Etsy's too!
Those kitty pix crack me up...someone is hugely funny with the captions too.
O hai! Um, shud I apolgiz? Iz confuzd. K by!
Carolyn, who comments on my blog too, has some great stuff up there from time to time. she made me a kick ass quilt for Xmas.
Etsy. Shit damn. Can't stay away.
Here's my new love:
There were a lot of great curves on that Etsy link! (Sorry, working already on WWC, since my weekends aren't really my own.)
lolcat is awesome. I sent some of the Star Wars themed ones to my teenager's myspace comment section. "Bring me Solo and the Wookie..."
Hoop is gonna be COLD. But he'll be okay. Personally, I have successfully avoided winter camping since...ummmm...1990. BC (before children). A snowed-in provincial park in Canada, using snowshoes and a tent. A hiking stove (tiny, one burner). No bug spray. LOTS of winter clothing. But we somehow forgot the sleeping bags. Who forgets sleeping bags?!?!?!? Yeah, it was cold. COLD, I tell 'ya!! We didn't warm up until 10am when we hit the hot springs.
I've sucessfully avoided winter camping ever since. My dh keeps asking about doing it again, inbetween ice storms this year. I think maybe his brain was affected.
I'm a total Etsy addict.. its even worse because I "have" to be there with the business- so I go on at least once a day and get hit with the front page. Lots of awesome stuff..
I should have NEVER clicked on the Etsy link. I'm screwed.
I am addicted to LOLcats, too. ALWAYS good for a laugh.
I, too, LOVE my alone time, but miss hubby like crazy when he is gone. It's impossible to not miss the man ya love. :)
I am also addicted to etsy. I am currently reading "Water for Elephants"!
I LOVE icanhascheezburger! I look almost every day!
Hey Tink... just curious, what made you start reading your current selection?
Whether you want to or not, you are a member-at-large of my neighborhood book club. We read Water for Elephants (LOVED IT) and just finished the 13th Tale (Liked it).
Love the cat pics.
Also addicted to the LOLCats, but I wanted to say I think you will really like The Thirteenth Tale, awesome book.
Yay for Etsy. I have an Etsy store, but nothing is in stock at the moment. I set it up and will be "opening" on March 1st!
my name is janet, and i am an etsyaholic...
i also have to echo the praise for 13th tale. you will like that one. (well, i did anyway. heh)
Don't feel guilty about the etsy addiction. It's just one small way to save the planet from the likes of WalMart. Not so bad if you look at it that way, eh?
And, thank you (I guess) because I have seen LOLCAT[z] around and I just never quite got it. Possibly because cats (and even catz) give me the creeps. Somehow, in the context of Tink's Everland, I managed a chuckle.
On days when I feel down, I come home and read through the Icanhascheezburger archives until my contact lenses dry out. It's better than Prozac! And no side effects (except dry eyes).
I totally get very sad and lonely if Mr. J is gone for too long at a time. He's only been on a couple trips the whole time we've been together and it was hard! He'll be back soon!
Those are totally the cutest LOL Cats photos I've seen!!!
Hope you're having a good weekend! AJ
BTW: Did you ever go to my blog for the Squirrel/Pigeon explanation?
once again lolcats prove they are the best!
i have some friends who do stuff on etsy, but i try not to become addicted like them!
Etsy is like a great used bookstore for me. I could lose myself for hours on end in either.
Under the Banner of Heaven sounds interesting. Adding to my list. Sooooo long.
I can't wait to read "Water for Elephants". I'd like to read it next.
I love LOL cats...it's become a recent addiction of mine, too. I sit at my computer and laugh at some until I'm crying.
It's an exciting life.
Did you enjoy this weeks LOST?
It's cute that you miss him after just 4 hours. I'm so lonely lol
Shopaholics will hopefully enjoy. Lol. Since I learned to sew I have been going crazy and so I'll be selling what I'm making. I am buying retro and vintage fabrics, novelty fabrics, japanese fabrics...my plan is to make funky and unique clothes.
Hehe. I did put up two things just to see how it works. But the grand opening will be on March 1st.
Thanks Tink.
Those are hilarious!
Missing sucks. Hope it's short lived!
Bad Chris! She keeps sending me stuff to get addicted to!
Jon Krakauer is a super writer, his books have thus far all been pretty amazing. Enjoy. Have you read Into the Wild yet?
Etsy is so addictive!...I saw it on several blogs & finally took a peek...and I've been peeking in every day since. I love their paper goods & demented stuffed animals.
I'm also an Etsy addict. And LOLcats too. Great ways to spend the work day, you know, instead of working.... But then again I sold out on Blogger years ago when I switched to WordPress, and life hasn't been the same since.
Hi Tink! I'm a lurker here (brought to you by Kelly, of Wonderment). I've been dropping by regularly for about six months. Sorry I haven't said hello yet. I promise I'm not a creepy stalker.
Anyway, Kelly introduced me to Etsy a few months ago and I've spent WAY too much money there since then. But it's ok, right? Contributing to cottage industries is good...better than giving money to the Man (aka Walmart).
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