I Fought The Floor
...and the floor won.
Have I ever mentioned that I'm a klutz? I was spot cleaning the tile on Saturday morning when I accidentally spilled the bowl of water on the floor. Being the
"Oh babe." Hoop fussed, lifting me off the floor. "Are you OK?" After testing to make sure nothing was broken, I started to laugh. I mean seriously, who forgets the floor is wet MOMENTS after they clean it? Almost two years ago, not long after Hoop and I had met, we were watching T.V. when I heard the dog knock over his water dish in the kitchen. So I got up, surveyed the damage, and then walked through the water on my way to get a towel. You can see where this is going. I hit my hip so hard that time that I had problems sitting for two weeks! It's amazing Hoop hasn't wrapped me in bumpers.
Weekend Recap:
1. Friday night, Hoop and I ate dinner at one of the places we were considering for our wedding reception.
2. The food was amazing. The only thing that bothered me was the wait-staff. Although the place would be considered "fine dinning", most of the diners were dressed in blue jeans and Polos. The staff, on the other hand, were dressed in suits and ties.
3. "More bread?" Our waiter asked, leaning over the table at me with his huge silver platter. "Um- Yes, please?" It's hard to pretend to be refined when you're wearing yesterday's pants and your significant other is making jokes about the geriatric piano player.
4. Overall though, we really loved the Southern charm of the place. You can see a picture (I stole off the Internet) of it below.

5. Mom, Lil Bit, and I went back on Saturday night to make a deposit. Now to find a place to actually get married. Woof.
6. After checking out the venue, we headed to the mall, where Mom and I tried in vain to convince my thirteen-year-old brother to go see "27 Dresses".
7. Yeah I know. But it was worth a try. I mean, he went and saw "Juno" with us last weekend!
8. Apparently there's only so many chick flicks a dude can handle in a month.
How was your weekend?
Labels: Wedding, Weekend Recap
Wow your wedding reception place is beautiful.
Wow your wedding reception place is beautiful.
Hi there! Just a bit of info - I'm not sure how many guests you're planning for, but...a good friend of mine had their *smallish* wedding AND reception at that place (I'm in your town and recognize it - don't want to give up any of your info to your many stalkers). It was April and the weather cooperated, but it was outdoors in the garden area under their trellis type thing - very beautiful!
The place looks simply divine...perfect for a southern belle such as yourself.
It's good to hear that you didn't hurt yourself with that pratfall! I can relate to feeling clumsy. I'm probably one of the narrowest adults you'll ever meet, almost no hips to speak of, but some days I can't seem to make it through a doorway without smashing into it. My poor little boy-hips actually get covered in black-and-blue bruises. I iz a klutz.
A couple of weeks ago I was at the mall for my daily walk. I had to use the bathroom and when I left I opened the door to the bathroom and .... ran into the door to the bathroom. Seriously, it was like I held the door in place so i could run into it.
Juno is a chick flick? Dang. And I was thinking I wanted to see that one too. ;-)
Good job by your brother resisting "27 Dresses." I'm positive that movie sucks.
Thank you Emily!! We considered having the ceremony there as well (the garden area is AWESOME) but we're afraid the weather might turn ugly. We're having our wedding in November. Bleh. What room was the reception in? We've booked the upstairs.
That looks GORGEOUS! And yay for a November wedding! :)
I haven't seen Juno yet, is it good?
Verona: Thank you! It took a little convincing on Hoop's end. He had more of a country club setting in mind. ;)
Pamer: Belle. *Snort* Maybe at heart.
Red: What is it with the hips? I hit everything and anything I can with them. I need one of those devices that warns me when I'm getting too close to a wall or doorway.
Jay: It was a ghost. Oooooo. Wtw, you should see Juno, chick flick or not. It was a great movie.
Freakazojd: Let me put it this way... They referred to male junk as "pork sticks". LOL. Which totally makes it my kind of movie.
Your reception location is really beautiful.
The cubicle walls in my office are four feet high. I've worked here for well over four years and I still run into the damn things every single day.
My husband is always teasing me for my ability to "trip over the linoleum." So the floor powns me too.
I'm going to tell you what I seem to have to repeat to my kids constantly, "Get up off the floor!"
Jeez. :-)
Now, it's been said before - LOL! But...
I thought "That sounded like someone slapping two fish together! Was that my thighs?!" No really, that's what I thought.
That part forced me to stop reading for a full minute as I was laughing so hard tears streamed down my face!
That house looks like a wonderful place for a reception. Very uncharacteristic for Florida - at least I never saw houses like that down there. Victorian style, isn't it?
tears in my eyes, too - you kill me!
I'd be crashed on the floor with you, if that helps. :) Glad you found at least one of the locations for the shindig! Maybe you could just get married by the fountain in the picture.
Thanks for the laughs Tink.. always. :)
That looks like a beautiful place to get married.
Gorgeous find! Now what's for dinner?
I thought for sure you were going to say you broke something!
Juno was a chick flick? I am a macho guy (ha ha ho ho!) and loved Juno and maybe you should tell your brother that Katherine Heigl (whatever her name is) is very sexy and maybe he'll enjoy it....
Man, I'd get married in that place, but I am already married, but good for you.
OK, lastly, I think I have a good photo entry for motion and suspend, up Tuesday. Night all!
I can understand not wanting to tempt mother nature with an outdoor wedding in November. My friends' reception was upstairs also - it's beautiful!!! They really do take care of their clients. She was very impressed with their attention to detail and customer service. And the food was sooooo good! (I'm all about the food). Good luck, and HAVE FUN!
You need to live in a bubble. Are you going to have little faeries carry you down the aisle so you don't trip and jack up your dress? ;)
I feel so mean for saying it, but your post made me laugh out loud! Only because I totally sympathize, since I'm really clumsy, too. And, well, also because of your comment about the fish slapping.
And the potential reception spot looks wonderful!
That bubblewrap floor would really come in handy in the kitchen... not the office! And I thought we were gonna get pics of that, too? Whats the deal?
That is a beauuutiful place to have a reception! I expect pictures out the wazoo in November!!!
I'm still laughing about the fish slapping. I'm glad you were not hurt though.
Looks like a great place for the reception.
Oh, that's beautiful -- what a lovely spot for a reception!
I am a huge klutz too -- I spilled half a container of soy milk all over the floor tonight and then stepped IN it trying to get the paper towels.
My weekend was swell, thanks for asking. :) Watched lots of movies -- mostly guy flicks. Then we had sunshine all day Sunday and I worked in the garden.
Haha, you are forgetful like me!!!!
I do not blame Lil' Bit for not wanting to see that movie! I am usually dragging poor Brendan to those chick flicks too. Poor kid!
Slapping two fish together LOL! I'm a klutz too...I blame it on my head being too big for my body. I once got stuck under a ginormous painting for about a half hour before hub came home.
What a nice spot for a reception, I love the veranda!
I'm thinking maybe you're just drunk all the time. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I would have to be drunk to want to clean a floor, too.
You'll be a blast when you're old. "Oh man, Grandma broke her hip again."
that place is beautiful!
and i'll wrestle you for the klutz title. i still maintain i can trip over a painted line....
That's a beautiful venue for you and Hoop! Don't worry about the customers in jeans and polo shirts, they won't be there on the day. But hey, at least they were WEARING shirts!
Now that I know about your clumsiness, I'm worried that you'll fall and break your arm (neck) on that tile floor.
Girl, you have to understand something... on your wedding day, you're not going to NOTICE other people. You really won't. And truthfully, you strike me more as a "jeans and polos" couple than a "suit and tie" couple so it's all good. It's not about appearances and venues and all that other fancy wedding shit that they try to shove down your throats. It's about being in love, getting married, and having the best fucking wedding reception you can that your guests will talk about for years to come. Get 'em drunk... Get 'em high... Whatever. Just let everyone kick back and have fun. TRUST me on this one. ;)
I have this illness...I laugh really hard when people fall. I fell about a month ago on a patch of ice on my front step. A case of beer in one hand and some other shit in the other. On my way down, face first, I managed to put the case of beer between the concrete planter and my face. I bashed my nose on the beer, smached my elbow and crunched my knee. I ended up sitting with my hair in my face and legs spread eagle out in front of me. My wonderful man comes running up to see if I'm ok and I won't let him see my face for fear that I just broke my nose or busted out a few teeth. I finally got in to the house to get cleaned up. The man is looking at my nose when I busted out laughing. He says "what so funny?" To which I replied...."it looked funny didn't it? I mean, come on! It had to look pretty funny." He removed his hands from my face and lovingly told me that I was sick in the head. My how he loves me! Yes, Tink, I laughed reading your story.
does the reception location have a ball pit? those kick ass. how about a moon bounce?
You should have told your brother ( while mom wasn't listening ) that Katherine Heigl gets laid in the movie. That nullifies a chick flick count for a guy.
Will there be pony rides and a bounce house at your reception?
I love the place, the charm is outstanding and I can see huge potential for awesome wedding photos there.
Can you do a nice outdoor ceremony somewhere, like a park?
Bring home the bubble wrap from work, pad your hips :)
I have done the same thing though.
I never get to see movies anymore, not even rentals, so need to change that. Think a year's rental plan is coming out of our meager tax refund when it get's here.
It looks like a gorgeous venue!
Wow, sounds like a pretty productive weekend. I forgot what those feel like. :(
I wish my team lead was closer to you, he's a top notch excellent wedding photographer!! Do you have a photographer yet?
I don't know how far he'd travel, but let me know, it might be worth the try...
The place looks beautifully fabulous! Fairy Tale! Oh, y'all are going to have such a wonderful day!
Looks like you made a good choice. That place looks really pretty. Kind of reminds me of the DisneyWorld resort where Turtle and I stayed on our honeymoon.
Wow gorgeous place! And *snort* on the water moments. Ive done the same damn thing.
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