Friday, February 08, 2008

Time Wasters (Not So) Anonymous

Phew. I've been working on a new chapter for Twisted all day. Go check it out! It's called "A Song Of Sixpence." A hundred spork points for the person who can explain why I named it that. Yeah, I don't know what they're good for. Maybe they'll be curency for the etsy store I hope to open one day. I'm not sure what I'll sell yet. I'm thinking dust bunnies, which I have an abundance of right now. Maybe stock in Sporktopia. Whatever. Just go check it out.

See you on Monday Homebloys!

P.S. Don't forget, the
WWC words for this week are MOTION and SUSPEND. Happy snapping!



At 08 February, 2008, Blogger mamatulip said...

The title reminds me of this:

Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds baked into a pie,
When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing...
What a lovely gift for them to give to the king!

I don't know if that's how it goes, but that's how I remember it.

At 08 February, 2008, Blogger meno said...

You could sell spork art on etsy.

At 08 February, 2008, Blogger Chris said...

Photo art cards. Duh.

At 08 February, 2008, Blogger R.E.H. said...

Damn! I've gotta find the time to catch up on the Twisted Tink story.

I wanna start from the beginning when I do. Soon, unemployment will probably give me ample time to catch up, huh? ;)

At 08 February, 2008, Blogger gary rith said...

OK, maybe I'll figure this out when I finish these beers...

At 09 February, 2008, Blogger Peggy said...

Them birds was up to summat! I just knew it!

At 09 February, 2008, Blogger furiousBall said...

i think postcards depicting crimes commited with sporks would be awesome, like holding up a bank, stealing a car, breaking into a house.

At 09 February, 2008, Blogger flutter said...

I think you should have little charm bracelets, all with sporks.

At 10 February, 2008, Blogger Tequila Mockingbird said...

if i had a store, i would sell lava lamps and cock rings. i know that has almost nothing to do with your post, but i felt i should share. maybe it'll give you ideas as to what you should sell.

At 11 February, 2008, Blogger Knight said...

I was thinking about the same rhyme/song MamaTulip wrote. So is that how Jacob ties into the story?

At 11 February, 2008, Blogger Mona Buonanotte said...

Sing a Song of Sixpence... blackbirds...pocket full of rye (wishing you had breadcrumbs to make a path out). Call me simple.

I'm still wrapping my head around sporks...they're never useful for either spoon-ish or fork-ish functions, and yet I can't help but take handsful of them from the bin at the deli...they'd make fetching necklaces, like little teeth-y daggers, especially if you put some sticky-back bling on 'em....

At 11 February, 2008, Blogger Gin said...

Aren't sporks just spoons that have been bitten by a vampire?

At 13 February, 2008, Blogger Newt said...

Ok, there is a starbucks near the hotel, I can get my coffee, quick go back to the hotel, curl up on my bad and read me some twisted tink. Oh wait, I dont' think the internet cable will go to the bed, damn, have to curl up in the office chair. Whatever, doesnt' matter, I have a new chapter to read!!!!!Yippee!


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