Weekly Words Challenge 24!
The words for this week were Wood and Metal.
How did you interpret them?


Metal and Wood

(Random Pictures)
Standing Out

Scottish Jig

Ginger Jam

Made with real Gingers!
War Paint


The one on the left is Papa Bear
Sick Vending Machine

Now they're selling weight loss pills in the food court at the mall?!
More pictures on FLICKR.
The words for next week are:
If you haven't joined the fun, go here for details. Happy Snapping!
Daily Etsy Pick:
Inner Redneck
Labels: I Heart Etsy, WWC
I posted my first WWC! :) Great pics by the way - I always enjoy them! :)
Cool pictures. I did not play this week, but hopefully I will get my act together and play next time.
Ginger Jam should be Hoop's R&B singer name.
What a fun festival. I love kilts. My hubby has one that he wears for me every now and then. ;)
And, that vending machine... gross, and really sort of sad.
My submissions are up on my blog:
and the direct link is:
Thanks again for the fun challenges!
I posted mine!
Did you go to some Highlands Games festival or something? I want to go! I can't wait for the annual renaissance festival to come to town.
Maybe that was TMI.
That sign is too funny!
That vending machine is really too fucked up for words.
Sweet Highland(er) Games !!!!
Great pics Tink!
Highland games are so much fun.
I love the "no shoes, no kilt, no service" sign.
And the pic of the targets is really great!
Excellent as usual Tink. Looks like a lot of fun to be had, makes me want to dance a jig. :)
Mine are up.
Peeeee Esssssssss: I can't believe they actually have weight loss pills vending machines. No. Way.
I love the picture of the hatchets in the stump.
Bought my first Etsy item yesterday. I can tell this is going to be a problem.
I've got a metal and wood pic to contribute.
I wonder what that little kid was throwing his axe at.....
Tink - bless you for being the first one to comment on my very first WWC post - and thanks for the kind words. This is such a fun game! If anyone else wants to check out my choices, I'd love for you to stop by. I'm already thinking of things for "stone" and "glass" next week...
And, your pics are great! I love all things Scottish, and a man in a kilt is a beautiful thing. I had a Scottish wedding 4 years ago - all the guys wore kilts. Sexy and lots of fun - especially when the groom's kilt fell off in the CHURCH parking lot after the reception! I wasn't there to see, drat it, because I've always had rotten timing that way - but I'm told by a reliable source that much merriment ensued...though sadly, nobody had a camera.
I dig that black and white with the chick dancing in color.
Do women wear anything under their kilts?
Cool pix, love the dancing onces. We had woodcutters contests like that where I went to school.
mine is at wood and metal
Mine are up!
Yours rock this week. Love those kilts! Hubba hubba!
I'm posted! Nice pics! Look's like y'all had a really fun weekend! (Beer and sauerkraut?)
I love the first picture...my first WWC is up and as promised no snow.
Looks like a great place to go.
I love a man in a kilt.
Wow, very nice. As always. Mine are up - on time! Who'd have thunk
There are weight loss vending machines?
Great Photos! It always looks like such fun that I decided to join in... I posted my first WWC this week... come on over and check em out :)
Why, Tink! It's almost like being there! (Except for the itchy feel of that wool on skin...)
I finally got my act together (well, sort of...) Pics posted at
OMG that kid was weilding an axe. That looks like a scary scary place.
Home again, home again, jiggedy-jig!
I'm liking the ax and stump pic.
Mine are up, too.
Thanks for the comments!
Ginger Jam.
Oh the filthy things that run through my brain with the slighest, or no, provocation.
I didnae ken you were into hi'lan games! (I didn't know you were into highland games)
In the summer over here we can't move for folks tossing cabers about.
I LOVVE "No Shoes No Kilt No Service" that's so cute!!! Never fails, fantastic entries... Mine are up. Another slideshow. Yay!
This would be my first submission. Here goes http://michellesphotosandmore.blogspot.com/2008/02/weekly-words-challenge-24.html
Wow, is it even legal to seel them in a vending machine. Way to promote eating disorders. Man oh man.
Great photos Tink. Love the highland games, did you have some hagis?
Fantastic pictures this week, Tink - as if you ever fail to impress me.
Love the sign - hilarious. The axe in the wood pic was really creative. The dancing chicks (especially the one in B/W and her in color) were awesome.
But... a vending machine for weight loss pills? Isn't that just taking it too friggin' far?
Oh, and of course - mine are up!
Where's the picture of you in your Scottish garb? After all... if it's not Scottish, IT'S CRAP!!!
I can't help but wonder about those people behind the archery range. Do they really think that chain link fence will protect them from stay arrows?
LOVE the metal and wood combined pic, I tried to think of how to do that too, nice job!
Oh, and mine are up. Duh.
what's with that kid throwing an axe? i bet his worst teacher is tied to the target...
: )
wood? metal?
my computer is made out of wood. should i post that?
just kidding! i'm not that old fashioned!
Nice photos. Looks like you fun at the kilt-wearing-tomahawk-throwing festivities. I want ginger jam now.
Oooh, bonus points for metal AND wood!
The vending machine idea is stupid. Fat people don't leave the house. They should have a delivery service instead. That way they can get the pills without getting off of the couch. Know your consumer...
there is no excuse for that vending machine.
love the festival shots, especially the combo color/bw.
I love me some Papa Bear in a kilt!
I feel like I'm missing out on something really fun.
Great shots.
Flickr is pretty cool indeed.
Ben O.
that vending machine makes me ill.
I had a really clever comment about the digital camera/ipod vending machine I saw when I was at the mall last December. I also turned in a nice little rant based on the "work whore" connotation of my WV ("whorqe").
But Blogger ate it and I don't have the energy to try to recreate it.
GREAT photos! My mother-in-law would love these, she taught highland dancing when my hubby was young. Until she had to stop because he was such a handfull. Heh...wonder how far my apple can fall from his father's tree. :)
Anyway, I didn't play (again) because this month has been a little insane, but I'm hoping to get back into it soon - I've been loving the words!! Stone and glass...I think I can absolutely do something for those for next week.
Ugh, I can't spell handful. Also, a fucking vending machine for weight loss pills?! That makes me sad. And mad. And not just because they rhyme.
I see she didn't comment here, but Jenn
has a great post. The story behind it is wonderful!
Great pictures - I love the dancers. I've always wanted to go to a Highland Games festival - maybe I'll make the effort this year - I know we have one here in WA state.
That's insane. The med vending. For people like me no doubt that are to proud to pay money for a little fat help! *L*
Love the pics! Thought that chic in the red was you! Ha-Ha!
I just stumbled upon your site and love the idea of the WWC. I will be on the lookout for stone and glass for this week.
But I really had to stop in and say "I was totally there!" the Scottish Festival thingee where your Wood and Metal pictures, etc were taken! Small freakin' world!
The vending machine? Wrong. All kinds of wrong. Like me in a kilt.
How did I miss this post? I love your photos.. I always do. That axe in the wood stump is my favourite.
Weightloss vending machine??! Now I've seen it all.
Here's mine, sorry so late to the show. I just found out about this and wanted to get in on the last few to catch up.
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