Lo-Cal Post
Daily Hoop Conversation:
Tink: Oh no.
Hoop: What?
Tink: Itch!
Hoop: Where?
Tink: On my back.
Hoop: I'll get it.
Tink: Up. Up. Up. No, right. Down. Down. Ahhhhhhh.
Hoop: Better?
Tink: Oh yeah. Thank you! That was a bad one.
Hoop: Don't worry. I tracked it down and killed it.
I'm like butter baby. I must be on a roll!
The incredible and talented Jo gave me the "Better Than Butter" award last week. As usual, I'm just now getting around to acknowledging it. Thank you for spreading the love Jo! I'm honored to have you as a homebloy.

April Search Terms:
(What people type into search engines that gets them here)
Beef gangster They call me
All hands on the poop desk Can I at least swab it first
diaper boy website
uglies woman ever 3D I only recommend it for the blind.
arm wrastlin
Easter boobs
P.S. I'm halfway through the next Twisted Tink chapter. For those still following along, expect additions by the end of this week.
Labels: Awards, Daily Hoop Conversations, Search Terms
most people eat the heads off their easter boobs first
LOL, "tracked it down and killed it"
I just had to explain why I was laughing at the computer...
Easter boobs are illegal where I live. It's very unfortunate.
I can't help but wonder what the "all hands on the poop desk" google searcher was looking to find.
Wow, had to actually go to google to figure out they meant poop deck. And I call myself a pirate. Argh.
Love the "poop Desk" - loved Knights comment even more!
Congrats - you really are better than butter.
So just a guess here... but I suppose carmeltoe and easter boobs go hand in hand, right?
Y'know, I never get search terms that are even 1/50th as interesting as yours. :)
Congratulations on your major award! ;)
you get some weird search terms girlie.
I can never get enough of arm wrastlin' Easter boobs!
Ahhhh, you get all the weirdos! No fair!
I likes Easter boobs ...
wow, a CARMEL toe. That sounds like it would be delicious ... if you were into that kind of thing, that is. ;)
ah, tink, as Better than Butter, you are on the HONOR roll ...
Easter boobs? Are they different from Halloween boobs? I mean...Easter boobs are all about the rising and Halloween boobies are just scary. Just saying.
Easter b00bs?
There's nothing wrong with Easter boobs.
It's nice to have somebody around to "scratch where it itches". ;-)
Easter boobs? Haha I like it a lot.
I'll arm-wrastle any one of yuz, any time, any wheres. Don't be runnin away! Or I'll be comin after ta find yuz.
Back flips!
Another twisted tink
Oh goodie - can't wait - brewing coffee.
Aw, I'm so jealous of your freakish love scratches.
All hands on the poop desk? It never ceases to surprise me the search terms people use ;)
And, congrats on the award!
Easter boobs?! Omg, that's awesome. You get some INTERESTING search terms.
Can't wait to read more Twisted Tink! :)
YUM! I love carmel toes!
yeah, i found your blog by searching for "gang bangs by interacial men dressed as fairies"
the intrawebs are simply amazing!
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Getting your itch scratched is sooo good! It's great being a homebloy in the beef gangsta club.
Carmeltoe is so wrong.
OH NO! Better than butter? Be careful. My kids eat the stuff by the glob!
The Hoop is SUCH a keeper. Tracking down and killing itches is one of the nicest thing someone can do for the itchee!
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