Thank you Maggie for nominating me for this "Rockin' Girl Blogger" award. I'm not worthy! Although I can play a mean air ukulele.

I would like to thank all the little people: Dopey, Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Stupid, Sleazy, and Drunk. Without you and that creepy witch corrupting my childhood, I wouldn't be nearly as strange as I am today. I would also like to thank my fellow bloggers, Hoop, Mom, and this thankless job. It's because of you that this blog is even still around. And now to pass the torch. Would the following people please stand to receive their award:
Gray Mama
Mama T (Even if she mistakenly thinks she's going to beat me in a poking contest)
In Other News:
Hoop got into another car accident on the way home yesterday. He's fine. It wasn't his fault. He'd been sitting at a light when the young kid behind him decided to not stop and plowed him into the back end of a truck. The only thing damaged was the already ruined bumper. No one else's car was hurt. So Hoop struck up a cash deal with the culprit and went on his way. We think the car is cursed. Anyone want a cheap car with low mileage? It's only a little possessed.
Many thanks for all the advice and support I got on Tuesday's post about quitting smoking. My Mom has decided to get on Chantix first and be the guinea pig. Depending on her reaction to it, I may or may not be getting on it within the next two months. As before, you guys will be filled in on all the gritty details.
Hoop woke me up this morning at 4am, coughing and hacking. After several minutes of walking around and flipping on lights, he crawled back into bed, only to resume coughing and hacking again. After three nights of disturbed sleep due to the overcrowding of dogs and Hoop's tossing and turning, I'd had enough. With a quiet curse I leapt from the bed and made my way to the guest room. I slept there until my alarm went off at six. It was pure bliss! I had plenty of room. It wasn't too hot or crowded. Should I feel guilty for having enjoyed it so much?Labels: Meme, Wit and Quips
Yes, absolutely you should feel very, very guilty. After all, Hoop's giving up his air conditioned car for you!
**sniff** awww shucks, thanks!
Poor Hoop. That sucks about the accident.
And don't feel guilty. There are more than a few couples that sleep in separate beds for better sleep. Or at least separate blankets. Switching to a tempurpedic mattress made a difference for us. It doesn't stop the sprawling but it sure helps with the tossing and turning. I never know when the hubster gets in and out of the bed. They really don't move around. The wine glass thing is totally real.
I love a woman who experiments on family members first-you are fiendshly clever.
I have been married almost 24 years, and believe me, missing a nights sleep is far more detrimental to your relationship than an occasional night in the guest room !
I almost got rear-ended the other day by some dim wit girl chatting with her boyfriend. I could see her coming in my mirror and had enough time to fantasize about getting out of the car and giving her a bloody nose !
Lefty: LMAO. After the accident yesterday, Hoop would probably be HAPPY for me to take the car off his hands.
Newt: Or maybe we just need a bigger bed... With dividers. :)
Mitchgib: Mom asked me last night if I was going to go on it with her. I replied, "I think I'll wait for your second week. Do you mind keeping a journal for me?" She wasn't amused.
What can I say? Remind me to not get into either of your cars ;)
That is pretty sucky for Hoop.
Poor hoop. Sometimes you just gotta sleep, no shame in that 'tall
Don't feel guilty at all. I have a surprisingly good relationship these days with the couch in the living room.
I'm so far behind! Good job on the reward. 8 more days in the hospital and we'll be home. All is good though.
Congrats on the award. And the acceptance speech was so touching.
I think you and Hoop are doing this on purpose. You don't anyone to ever want to ride with you guys. You want them to end up being the designated driver. LOL
But... it has air conditioning! How cursed can it really be?! :)
Congrats on bein' your rockin' self. :)
I was halfway to the guest bedroom last night when I remembered that in the summer? It's the kid's room. He would not have been happy to find his step-mom in his bed. Not happy at all.
DAMMIT - sweet unencumbered slumber why does thou elude me so!?
Um and here in the AtotheZ? People without air conditioning in their cars have the right of way. In all situations. Even ahead of ambulances and the po-po. srsly.
Guilty? Nah. I didn't feel guilty when Dave slept on the couch for...oh, the better part of 7 months because Oliver screamed his way through infancy. ;)
Thanks for the rockin' award! *mwah* But your ass is going down, poke-style. You won't win this battle. LOL!
Do you and Hoop own, "Satan's Camero!"?
So now you and Hoop have a car with no AC and another one with a damaged bumper? I guess that I would take the one with the damaged bummper.
Congratulations on the award, as a blogger, you do indeed ROCK.
Congrats on your award!
I'm bummed to hear about Hoop's accident, but at least he wasn't hurt.
Re sleeping in the guest bed, sometimes ya gotta do whatcha gotta do to get a good night's sleep.
An apt award to be sure!
Glad Hoop wasn't hurt.
And Al wonders why I insisted on a really comfortable guest bed. Ha! Good thinking on my part for those sleepless nights.
Thank you, thank you so much. You shouldn't have (what took you so long?) I would like to thank my hair stylist and Sports Authority, where i purchase most of my clothes. I would also like to thank god for giving me this singing voice. Oh...wait, i can't sing. Never mind.
Thanks sweetie!
The guest bed is the best place in the house some nights.
Good to hear that Hoop is ok after the accident. It does sound like there are bunch idiot drivers over there.
Yes you should feel very guilty...consider you actually blogged about it.
Never, ever feel guilty about needing quality sleep! Ever.
The only was I would take a "possessed" car was if it turned into a cool Robot! :)
You do rock!
I quit smoking over 10 years ago, so you have my sympathy, gf. It's so hard, and honestly, I'd rather have the two C-sections again than go through the agony of quitting. But, listen, you CAN do it. I quit many times before the final time. Just keep quitting. And each time you quit, you give your body a break from it, which is good. Just keep swimming....
Interesting. In the previous post, you ponder getting rid of the cap, and Hoop gets in an accident. Then you ponder taking Chantix, and your mom steps up to the plate. It's time to use these "powers" of yours for good, Tink!
Everytime I try to find a more spacious place to sleep, the "herd" follows me. I'd be thrilled if it was only Shaun that was hogging up the bed.
You do deserve it. Further proof: you play air ukelele? Oh yeah you earned it.
See, this is why I suspect that significant others really would do well to have separate homes or at least separate bedrooms..... Ah. Sleeeeeep.
No way...I had some rough nights sleeping when I had a cold for a month in April (so long because of the pregercy, I think). I took myself out of the room so the hubs could sleep, and I actually slept a lot better myself. It's ok to do that sometimes. I won't mention the nights I left our bedroom crying because we were going to be "apart" again though. LOL - hormones. ;)
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