Now Beefier
Contrary to popular belief, I have not been carted off to the nut house... Yet.
But thanks for the concern!
I've been busy. Between work, remodeling the blog, adding chapters to TT, fixing up the house, Hoop, my family, his family, Little Bit's birthday, and my little project below, I can't seem to get a good grasp on time before it slips right past me. I promise, regular posting will resume on Monday. Until then:
Golden Spork Awards Revisited:
It only took me seven months to get these graphics out. But they're finally here! For those of you who won an award in the Golden Spork ceremony back in December, you can pick up your official awards here. For those who didn't receive one, the next ceremony is being held in December of this year.

The code can be copied and pasted from below. I have set it up so that anyone clicking on the graphic will get transferred to the official Golden Spork Award page. Feel free to adjust the height and width as necessary. For Blogger members, the easiest way to do this is to paste the graphic into a post. Then, adjust using the arrows on the sides. Once the image is the size you want, copy and paste it into your template. If you have questions, comment.
Red Background
Hope your weekend is going well!
EDIT: I've fixed the graphic problem (hopefully). I'll add the other version when I get home.
Labels: Sporky Goodness
Knowing that Blogger will fix the problem the moment after I post this comment, I felt I should mention that the new nifty award graphics aren't showing up. I look forward to seeing them, once my sly plan has succeeded.
News flash: it finally stopped raining here for a couple days, and now it's hot. But not as hot as out west. It's kind of weird not being among the hottest place in the country by this time of year.
YAY! I'll put mine up soon!
I guess you thought you could sneak in on a Sunday without being noticed eh?
Well, the blogging paparazzi is ALWAYS watching you. LOL
Yeah...what Jay said!
The site looks AWESOME with the new look. It's good to shake things up every once in a while.
The red X is still there. (Not that I think I'll easily be able to get a New and Improved Spork on my page or anything...I just finally figured out how to get the other one up! Yeah, I'm tech challenged!)
Gorgeous new layout, Tink! And I'm really excited about the Golden Sporks!
I really like the new header. Of course that's the one i voted for.
I am tempted to steal a golden spork award even though i didn't earn one, because i am larcenous like that, even though i can't see them, unless they look like a little red x
Hope you had a great weekend Tink!
I put up the button, it took up half my sidebar and crushed one of the kids.
New look is hawt.
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