Thursday, June 28, 2007

Vacation Recap Continued

Tuesday, June 19th - Thursday, June 21st: For most of Tuesday and part of Wednesday it stormed. Which sucks when you're on an island where the only thing to do is swim and soak up sun. Hoop and I watched from the deck as the clouds blew in. Within seconds we were shivering from the cold. The drop in temperature was immediate. Moments before, we'd been sweating in our suits and wishing for a breeze. It was eerie. Then the wind picked up. Before we could blink, the heavy plastic table and chairs went flipping into the guardrail. Debris from the beach somersaulted down the road and people went running for cover. The force of that little storm made us realize how vulnerable the island inhabitants really were. When Katrina visited two years ago, they didn't have a chance in hell.

Before Katrina:


Fortunately, this was just a little storm. By Wednesday afternoon it was bright and sunny again. Hoop and I took advantage of the reprieve and headed for the local bird sanctuary. I readied my camera, hoping for some photo ops of exotic birds. What we got were a bunch of crows and a surprised turtle. On the drive out, just as I was complaining about the state of the place, Hoop hit a bird. "Oh great!" He said. "That was probably the only rare bird they had!" We got out to inspect the damage, but the bird was gone. So we hauled ass back to the house before any of the locals noticed. Can you see the headlines? "Tourists killed by lynch mob after getting involved in a hit and run with Dauphin Island's favorite bird." I'm not fucking dying that way.

Later that day we made a trip to the Estuarium.

Hoop: So, what's in this place?
Worker: Fish.
Tink: Are there dolphins?
Worker: No.
Tink: No dolphins? How about turtles?
Worker: No.
Hoop: How much does it cost to get in?
Tink: Seven bucks each.
Hoop: Seven bucks!
Worker: *Rolls eyes*
Hoop: And all you have here is fish?
Tink: *Reads Sign* It looks like they just showcase the fish from this area.
Hoop: Screw that. Let's just go to the beach and look at them for FREE.

The rest of the vacation (Friday through Sunday) was spent celebrating Hoop's Mom's birthday, then my Grandmother's, and then painting another room in the house. If it weren't for Hoop's motivation to get the house completed before our next vacation in August, I think I'd procrastinate finishing it until we're ready to move again. I've realize something... I hate painting. I hate having to prime the baseboards twice. I hate spending five hours on three doorframes because the damn things have six sides apiece. Most of all, I detest having to take a Brillo sponge with me into the shower when I'm done. For some odd reason, no matter what I'm wearing, I will get paint on every limb of my body. Once I managed to cover a foot, an elbow, and part of my forehead... And I was just touching up.

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At 28 June, 2007, Blogger fiwa said...

Wow - the after Katrina picture is really frightening.

Tink, I am with you about painting, I HATE IT! I have ruined so many clothes, gotten paint in my hair and any other exposed body surface. I especially hate masking off with that freakin' blue tape. We've lived in our house for 6 years now, and there is STILL a wall in the hallway that I have not finished painting.

Yours in painting agony,

At 28 June, 2007, Blogger Newt said...

Homer Simpson and family did the same thing on vacation only it was the town's big ol' aligator. They went to jail...........

Probably a good thing you aren't yellow with four fingers :-) and really weird hair.

At 28 June, 2007, Blogger Chelle Y. said...

Seven bucks to just look at fish? Haha. I would have loved to see that workers reaction to Hoop's response. :)

At 28 June, 2007, Blogger Jay said...

Hope the turtle was able to get back to sleep after you guys left.

Places like that are great unless you get tired of the beach or when it rains. Of course, when it rains you can just sit around and drink, so it's not all bad.

I actually don't mind painting. It doesn't really bother me. I agree that baseboards aren't so much fun though.

At 28 June, 2007, Blogger Lefty said...

Just don't ever paint your entire body like that guy in GOLDFINGER.

Also, what if I changed my mind about my vote? Can I take it back?

You do live in Florida, and the voting there is

At 28 June, 2007, Blogger Spamboy said...

The pic comparison's a bit deceiving, as the nicer pic's of the relatively-protected east end while the blown-away image is of the island's western edge, which is about as skinny as the period that ends this sentence. Only thing between that strip of land and Katrina was a bunch of shrimp.

At 28 June, 2007, Blogger Chris said...

I hate painting SO MUCH. That's why I've had a paint "sample" painted on one wall in the bathroom for nearly 2 years. :)

At 28 June, 2007, Blogger Kell said...

I have 2 closets to paint because I was so sick of painting by the time I finished the bedrooms that I just closed the closet door instead.

I love storms, but it's pretty terrifying to imagine being on an island during a hurricane.

At 28 June, 2007, Blogger mamatulip said...

I am the sloppiest painter. I step in it and track it all through the house, I get it all over me...and even on my glasses. When I got new frames a few years ago the lady at my eye doctor's asked me if I'd painted recently. I said no and asked why she'd wondered that and she said there were little tiny specs of paint all over my old frames. From like, two years previous.

At 28 June, 2007, Blogger mamatulip said...

I am the sloppiest painter. I step in it and track it all through the house, I get it all over me...and even on my glasses. When I got new frames a few years ago the lady at my eye doctor's asked me if I'd painted recently. I said no and asked why she'd wondered that and she said there were little tiny specs of paint all over my old frames. From like, two years previous.

At 29 June, 2007, Blogger Peggy said...

I'm not allowed to paint anymore. Aparently, I'm not tidy enough. (sigh)

I love the photos of the devastated barrier island. Very good before and after. Katrina was one big girl!

See people? Building on nature's hurricane protection is SUCH a bad idea. The barrier islands protect the mainland better only if they're left alone.

At 29 June, 2007, Blogger mrspao said...

Gosh - that really brings home how bad Katrina was.

I'm not allowed to paint anymore - yippee.

At 29 June, 2007, Blogger captain corky said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 29 June, 2007, Blogger captain corky said...

I like to paint, but I also did for 6 or 7 years. So too me it's as easy as taking out the garbage.

I hope you guys got a lot of drinking done on your vactaion too. ;)

At 29 June, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate painting baseboards, too. That makes both of us very normal.

At 29 June, 2007, Blogger Cat Herder said...

I'm painting allllll weekend. Bleh. Barf. Yuck.

That island picture took my breath away. Wow.

At 29 June, 2007, Blogger Tink said...

Spamboy: You're right. For those who didn't notice, the "after" picture is of the sliver on the right hand side of the first picture. That's where we were staying.


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