WWC 28 Continued...

You've got to love a junkyard with a sense of humor. Although the mannequin legs are a little creepy. Maybe the ape in the backseat ate the rest of it.

This was a decoration in the bathroom of some backwoods gas station: dusty fake flowers in a thick vinyl "vase". Classy!

Also known as "Stamp Happy". I came home on Monday evening to find this gem on my front step. Check out what it was here. Thanks again Gary! You do beautiful work.

I treasure every moment spent with these kiddos.

Don't forget, the words for next week are:
Daily Etsy Pick:
Pop Art Pooches
Labels: I Heart Etsy, WWC
Before I started reading anything I kept staring at the photo thinking, how did that leg get there? Amazing junkyard shot. I loved the color. The pictures of the kids swinging were really interesting. I don't see trees like that much.
Tink, you always outdo yourself. I love that junkyard.. what a hoot!
I could have/should have played this week but I would have had to use the same photos that I just blogged about this past week. My house looks like JUNK now, but those baby raccoons and their mama sure are TREASUREs.
Maybe next week.. sigh!
Great job.. as always. :)
A two day WWC? Wow! That's very impressive!
The legs on the roof next to the wreckage is really funny. Very clever.
The tea set is AMAZING! I love it.
And that is a totally cool junkyard. But the mannequin legs are a bit creepy. LOL!
That plane is great!
Oh, shiny! I hope there are lots of Firefly references. :)
SnakeMaster wants a turn on that swing!
Creepy mannequin legs, indeed! But cool way to display a junked plane (or is it a glider? I can't tell...)
i think i just got some new decorating tips... vinyl vases and mannequins will be the theme of my living room.
thanks again Tink!
Our post office is so small we have no delivery and no stamping machine, just stamps, lots and lots of stamps.....
Glad you are back!!
Where did you come up with Era? Did you go through the dictionary? Hmmmm, might be a tuffy.
Guess I better google the definition to see if I can stretch it another way.
Cute pics! Loved the kids playing Tarzan ;O)
Love the swinging kids, they made me smile. Looks like so much fun.
Woods, a rope, and the lake... what else could anyone ask for?
I totally want a turn on that swing!
Once again I did not get around to posting anything for WWC this week, this moving thing is killing me, but soon we will find peace and quiet. I want to play around with the words for next week though....so I am going to try....the SHINY is getting me a little.
Now are we all invited for tea?
Love the flowers! *L*
That's what I need to do for Halloween. I need to put fake body parts all over the yard and cover them with ketchup.
Or maybe real body parts. Or just vibrators that look like penises with ketchup all over them.
Ya that's it ... penises with ketchup.
Love the junk yard, the ape and the legs are what make it so funny! The flowers in the bathroom are just so sad. :( Great shots Tink.
The plane photograph was cool. Love the vase. I have a few of those in my house :-). And the pictures of the kids are fantastic. Made me smile. And wish it was warm out.
Mine are up - a day late......
I'm betting that he could'a fit at least 3 more stamps on that envelope...
Good to see you back my dear!
Wonderful pictures!
I love that plane crash scene on the junk yard. And, thanks for pointing out the legs - I might have missed out on those. Cool and bizarre! ;)
you travel ( and urinate) in the ODDEST places!
really great pictures!
I keep telling myself I'm going to try a WWC then the week gets away from me. I need to "member meself" as my son used to say.
was that a lamb hanging outta the plane!
HA, the blow up vase cracked me up because I just saw them at Target and I thought, wtf? why not just buy a regular vase?
Beautiful tree's..Tenneeee is a beautiful place!
I'm glad you had a nice time!
And, finally, HOLY STAMPS!
cool pix.
the swinging children? waaaaaay cool.
Nice pix! i will try to participate in the next WWC. I've been busy fixing my blog and haven't done much of anything else on here lately.
Take care
I cannot believe that pottery came through okay in that envelope. Both picture and pottery are perfect!
You got the elephant cups! And a bunch of stamps for your collection :)
That rope swing rocks, did you try it? I like the mannequin legs, it'd be fun to have them coming out of the front lawn.
um...OUCH @ the last pic? LMAO!
And that vase looks suspiciously like a bottle cooler!
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