Hello Open Road
Good-bye ability to poop.
Maybe I should start eating bran now.
Feel free to loiter while I'm gone. But word to the wise, I've booby trapped the beer *cough*Jay, the porn *cough*Edge, and the numbers to all my hot friends *cough* Van and R.E.H.. While I'm gone Chris' cats are in charge. Jo, your job is to look hot. Brody, you're in charge of providing the funny. If anything goes wrong, contact Hilary. She'll be outside taking pictures of local wildlife, i.e. armadillos and rednecks. Everyone else, just don't touch that big red button...

See you on Tuesday Homebloys!
Labels: Vacation
But you didn't hide the sex toys!
Bon Voyage!
Did you SEE what those cats did to a circle of shoes in just a few short days?! Your place will never be the same again... Happy travels!
Um. You put a BIG RED BUTTON in front of me! I tried. I scrolled down. I looked at your other comment sections. I tried to click on a Blog-o-rific link. I reread your post. I thought of pretty things. Fancy things. Puppy dawgs and kitty cats. . . . But. . . the power of the big red button compelled me.
I had to touch it. I'm sorry.
I pressed the button
I liked the button.
You need more buttons.
your hot friend is the easter bunny? awesome
Well, since I was mentioned above, and you said told everyone else not to press it, I figured I was allowed... and it was worth it ;)
But, who's going to harrass your hot friends now? I need their numbers... please... pretty please?
Have fun!
I am sad that I missed the ass-kissery of Thursday's post! Um, darling, you do look GORGEOUS in that photo. You can Photoshop yourself 'til the cows come home (and I'm in Wisconsin, I know exactly when that happens), and you'd STILL be the purtiest gal in blogsville.
So have a great time on the vacay! (You reminded me that there was once a time I cared enough about my job to 'be funny' in meeting agendas for upcoming grants, where I'd include a little "Press the panic button!" at the end. What a dork.)
Ok so I got nothing funny to say about pushing buttons.
Hope you have a good lil trip.
Temptress! You mock my weakness!
I hit the red button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent you an Easter package this morning. It should be on your doorstep when you get home, more or less...
i pushed the button. i couldn't help myself.
i am weak.
i am ashamed.
I pressed the button.. I'm so very, very naughty.
Hope you had a good trip and made it home safe and sound!
Am I the only one who didn't press the red button? Darn, I'll have to go do that now. Safe trip, Tink :)
Goes without saying that I pressed the button. No surprise, huh?
I didn't get to be in charge of nuthin!!! Waaaaa!
That was the best button I've pressed all day!
hmm, i'm not much for beer, but i WILL be searching for your liquor cabinet...
have a good vacation!
Oops I pressed the button.
um, ok, so...I have that problem where if you tell me not to, I do. I won't apologize for it. I WONT! ;) besides, it's a big red button, it HAS to be pushed!!
oh, and my WWC is up
We can actually push the button? It works? Oooh, but I like to follow the rules and you said "not to" push it.
[Emotionally tortured over whether or not to push the red button]
[Now loitering....and staring at the button...]
If I push the button and no one sees me...does it count as breaking the rules?
Hope you had a great trip! Share more wedding plans!!
Bad Easter Bunny!!! Bad! Bad!!!
If you still can't poop, try a big bag of M&Ms and a pot of coffee. Works every time!
*whistles* I don't know anything about a big red button, but I think the Easter Bunny might need some anger management classes and a really big hug, right after he has the crap beaten out of him by some damn tough bloggers...
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