Weekly Words Challenge 26!
The words for this week were Paper and Ceramic.
How did you interpret them?

(Random Pictures)

Jesus Is In The Air

(Sea World Pictures)
Sea Lion Profile


Show Off

Nap Time

Nap Time 2

Dolphin Smile

Red Legs

More on Flickr!
The words for next week are:
If you haven't joined the fun, go here for details. Happy Snapping!
Daily Etsy Pick:
Leather Masks
Labels: I Heart Etsy, WWC
Mine are up here...
Very nice origami paper cups! And I like the viewpoint on the books.
there are some awesome shots this week! love the sea lions and the jesus skywriting shot rules.
OMG an alligator! The colors on your pictures are superb, Tink.
My pics are up too
easy challenge for a potter!
love the origami, but where is the ceramic?
Someone on my blog pointed out that cups and mugs are often ceramic *DURR* ::hits head with palm::
Neat words for next week, but how is it a "new theme?"
My pics are up, by the by. ;)
Wonderful! I love the b/w books, and then all the colors.
Mine are up, too. :)
Where's ceramic? What? Couldn't top a Jesus who got laid?
Please tell me those aren't the books your sending. That's alot of books!
I played today, Tink!
I love the dolphin pictures! They are so cute!
Did I miss ceramic?! The Jesus skywriting is great!
Way to channel your inner National Geographic Photographer! I love all the animals. Those sea lions definitely know how to pose. But, I love the dolphin pic most.
Excellent as always. Especially the animals. I do appreciate the origami attempts. ;)
Great WWC shots and those SeaWorld shots are wonderful. I want to be in that blueBlueBLUE water with that dolphin!
Mine are up!
Yeah, I didn't get a shot for ceramic. *Hangs head in shame*
Fine, I'll pretend I didn't see those ceramic pooches on your Flickr page.
Great shots as always, Tink. Getting Jesus high was inspired!
Wonderful critter shots and cool angle for those stacks of books.
I have too many piles of paper around me to have managed any PAPER-themed shots. And I realized that I don't really know what defines porcelein from -- oops. The word is actually ceramic.... I guess I made it into a P & P alliteration...
I'll leave "Porcelein" up for now and maybe I'll do "Ceramic" tomorrow...
Silly me.
Oh fine, I DID have a picture for ceramic. (Thanks Hilary) But I didn't like it. It had a glare...
So, there. ;)
I love the Jesus in the air pic.
I went to a sex show a few weekends ago and there was a couple who had a booth and were selling very similar masks. They were so, so cool.
Lovely photos-where are your ceramic?? That JESUS one is cool, I can't believe you caught that... Kudos Kid!!! :)
No ceramic? Hehe... Yeah, I know - everyone has pointed that out ;)
That was some difficult words this week - and next week should prove to be quite challenging and interesting!
Excellent paper shots - and the animal shots are superb! Those belong in some National Geographic's book. Stunning colors, as someone mentioned... can I borrow your camera? ;)
Yeah, I got mine up as well!
Here is mine
I love the red legs!
How cool is that bird? It coordinates beak and feet!
Love your origami, Tink - I was hoping we would see some remnants of the great Bacardi cup challenge...and books - I do love books! The animals are superb - those seals - especiallyl the little show-off! And red legs - as mentioned, matching beak and feet - very stylin' - NOT a bird who wants to melt into the background! Where were you to get that great shot of Jesus in the Sky(without diamonds)?
My pics are up, too...
Great pics!
(I won't mention the ceramic, shame on the rest of them)
Did somebody get a trip to the zoo? That's great that Hoops took you ;)
The "Jesus" in the sky? Fantastic!! I really think someone up there is speaking to me through your blog (cuz' maybe he can't reach me any other place, LOL j/k)
Oh, almost forgot...finally, got mine up!
That cup rocks, Tink...I like the smushie pile of papers too.
Such bootiful photos this week! The dolphin & the bird are my favs...you captured incredible colors.
Nice photos! I love the sea lions!! reminds me of San Francisco! I can hear them bark now... My WWC is posted now, come on over!
I'm almost ashamed to say it, but I posted my WWC for the week. Great pictures. I love the first paper picture, and the little oragami's are cool. I love the way you took the picture and the stone they are sitting on. Cool.
Tink, great photos as always. That bird is so cool! I love the seaworld photos too.
Mine (such as they are) are finally up.
So you DID go to Sea World! Did you have a good time?
I say if you can't get a good ceramic photo, double up on the paper photos (as you did) and move on!
I love the wildlife photos!
love the animal shots. how can you resist a smiling dolphin, after all!
Late as usual, but here mine is:
I really like your books.
awe, i want a pet sea lion! once again, i apologize for being so lazy to do pic challanges. it's hard to hold a camera steady when youre drunk though
that sea lion reminded me of an ex girlfriend of mine.
She even did tricks for mackerel.
I really like the Boylan's picture.
I missed this week and was so mad....but you really have me stumped with the upcoming week, you know that.
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