Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Brodimus the Gifted

I haven't known Brodimus Prime for very long, but what I've seen so far has been impressive. I met him initially not through a blog, but through his artwork on Flickr. I've always prided myself on my creativeness in photography, writing, and drawing. So it takes some amount of jealousy for me to be impressed by someone else's work in any of those areas. I can honestly say that Brodimus' art is something worth being envious over. This of course only makes me like him more.

It also helps that he looks a lot like Hoop (according to Hoop). My other half isn't the type to meddle in my tiny corner of the blogosphere. Occasionally he'll humor me with a guest post or surprise me by knowing the real names of my closest Blogger buddies. But last night, as he peered over my shoulder at Brodimus' blog, he took a strange interest in our featured member. "He's from Atlanta? Then he MUST be cool!" So there you have it Brodimus, you have been deemed "cool" by the toughest critic ever.

If Hoop ever establishes that "Church of Cool" like he's been talking about for the last two years, you might have an invite for a deacon position. Hoop would also like to add that Happy Hour is every Sunday from 8-5. On top of being a Blogger and a professional graphic artist, Brodimus is also newly engaged. His fiancé is a stone cold fox. Which is another thing he and Hoop have in common. *Cough* I'm kidding. But seriously, you should go over there and leave him some newlywed advice. But none of that generic stuff.

If I hear "don't go to bed angry" one more time, I'm going to puke. Tell him something really useful. Like, "don't get so much life insurance that you're worth more to them dead than alive." Or if giving advice doesn't appeal, maybe you could give him some funny wedding stories or ideas. Regardless, go say Hi. Brodimus is a pretty awesome guy to know. I was tickled when he chose this post as his prize. What better way could there be to introduce him? So to you, Brodimus my gifted friend, welcome!

Tomorrow: Back to normal (whatever the hell "normal" is around here) with a farewell-to-July post. Yay!



At 31 July, 2007, Blogger Chelle Y. said...

Hoop must be a Brave's fan because why else would he think Atlanta was cool? Haha! :) (I already know you're fans)!

At 31 July, 2007, Blogger Jen said...

I visited BP site. Loved it! I told him I think people should go to bed mad.

So there.

At 31 July, 2007, Blogger meno said...

Even if you PRETEND not to go to bed mad, you still do. So that makes you a liar and a hypocrite. So, i say, go to bed mad, if you are mad when it's bedtime.

Will check out BP, posthaste.

At 31 July, 2007, Blogger Jay said...

BP's blog is cool. So is Atlanta. So is Tink. So is Hoop.

At 31 July, 2007, Blogger Chris said...

Hee hee re: Jen's advice!

At 31 July, 2007, Blogger Lefty said...

I agree with Jay. BP's site is well done.

The Braves, however, suck royally.

At 31 July, 2007, Blogger Tink said...

Oh Lefty... And I was just beginning to really like you!

At 31 July, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go to bed mad, wait until he falls asleep and then paint his toenails hot pink. Be sure to dump out all the remover.

Oh wait...that's for his fiancee...

Off to meet B

At 31 July, 2007, Blogger Lefty said...

Tink, you're upset just because I agreed with Jay?

At 31 July, 2007, Blogger Scottsdale Girl said...

Oh as a dee vorce ay I shouldn't give out marital assvice.

At 31 July, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to know who this Brodimus guy is. Sound like a keeper!

At 31 July, 2007, Blogger captain corky said...

It's already August? What happened to July. Did I miss something? I need a drink.

At 01 August, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went over there and peaked around and there really is some cool artwork!

I have absolutely no artistic talent in that way, and I don't think I am usually a good judge but there was some really cool and interesting work.

At 01 August, 2007, Blogger Tawcan said...

Very interesting pics on Brodimus Prime's flickr indeed.

At 01 August, 2007, Blogger mamatulip said...

His Twitter says he's watching Arrested Development and loving every minute. That's reason enough for me to like him. ;)

At 02 August, 2007, Blogger Me said...

It is actually a good, simple, clean blog that you've recommended. Thanks.

At 02 August, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were at a wedding once where the bride and groom asked guests to write their advice. Here's what Jeff wrote: "If your wife asks you how the dinner tastes, 'Like crap' is not a good answer."
I think that's great advice, don't you?


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