Tally Me Banana

Courtesy of Odd Mix:
You must have thought I'd FORGOTTEN to post updates on the house. Rest assured, you haven't MISSED much.
Wood Door Frames In Master Bedroom (Before)

Wood Door Frames In Master Bedroom (After)

You have no idea how much of a pain this was to do.
Office (Before)

Office (In Progress)

It took Hoop a full day to measure, tape, and paint it. I think it's absolutely perfect. I could have never done such a flawless job. Not with my tilted-head syndrome anyway. Our next chore is to get the furniture in and hang Hoop's black and white drawings in the black line.
(Random Pictures)
Brotherly Love

Tech and Hoop. Also the first picture I've ever posted of Hoop with his visor off!

Florida Showers

Pretty In Pink

...and just a little evil looking.

Banana "Fingers"

Hoop and I are psyched! We found these banana "fingers" hanging off one of the trees in our backyard. I was a little concerned at first on how we were going to get them down. Then my good friend Brodimus Prime suggested we hire a Tally Man. So I'm nominating him. See you in a few weeks, Brom!
Labels: Remodeling, WWC
Awesome pictures! I like what you are going to do with the office. That will be way cool.
Great pictures, but I think you cheated on the word play! Haha!
I cheated on mine too! :)j
Love the black line.
How cool is it you've got BANANAS in your backyard?!
The trim around the doors looks really good! It's very hard to convince people that stained wood does not look good against a painted door.
I LOVE the white trim with that wall color. Holy cow that's awesome!
Can't wait to see the follow up picture of the office with Hoops drawings. Cool idea putting them on the black line around the room.
The doorways look great, I love the shiny white paint. And I can't believe what a great job Hoop did on that stripe - I hope you'll post another picutre when he gets his artwork up there.
Looks like Tech was trying to give Hoop a smoochie. ;)
I love the rest of your pictures, especially unripe. You are very talented with the camera m'dear!
Color me *jelus* I love that sage green and a black and white room? *swoons*
Newt: I'm glad you like it! I was a little worried, since black paint is impossible to paint over. :)
Chelle: I didn't "cheat." I just... Bent the words in my favor.
Michelle: I know, right?! Hoop and I have already started fantasizing about all the banana things we're going to make.
Cork: The varnish they used looks like something you would find on the inside of a boat. It's awful and old looking. Slowly but surely we're getting them all painted.
Brodimus: What, you don't want to be my Tally Man? ;)
Jay: Thank you! Hoop's never had a place he could showcase them before. He's really talented too.
Fiwa: I'll definitely post updates. I'm so impressed by how straight and smooth the line is, I keep ducking into the room to stare at it. *Snort* If I had painted it, it would look more like a wave.
Scottsdale Girl: Thank you. It's very soothing. It also works out well because our favorite color is green, so most of our things already match.
I like it when my wife tally's my banana.
Very nice flowers -- wish we had some of those in our 'hood.
More than a little evil looking. I wouldn't turn my back on those flowers, personally...
Beautiful pictures! And wow Hoop has done a great job on the study!
Hoop is so cute. :)
The house is really coming along! Wanna come up to Canada and help me with mine??
That's it, I'm painting my trim. And the doors too! D'ya think I could get Brodimus to paint around the top of the window in the cathedral ceiling? I may have to leave those brown...maybe nobody would notice.
Great photos!
Tell Hoop it's okay to say NO!
Love the unripe picture.
very nice pics. I too love the office redo! Hoop is cute! Have you posted pics of yourself or is that a big no-no?
The house is looking great! I do love the paint job that Hoop did in the office. I wouldn't have been able to do the lines straight! :)
Is that a lily? It is really outstanding.
Gorgeous photos!
I love the paint job. I know those trims are a real pain in the ass, but it was so worth it--it's gorgeous. I can't wait to see the office done.
Ooh, me likey. I love white trim - it feels cottagey, but Alec prefers natural (at least that's better than varnished). And what the heck was on that border in the office? Did you paint over it or peel it off first? I like the black line. Very minimalist.
ah!! Hoop with No Visor!!!!!!
I love your pictures especially the Unripe and Florida Showers. I am looking forward to seeing Hoop's drawings on the black line. Your house renovating seems to be moving along.
Edge: I like it when Hoop plays with my mangos.
Spamboy: Don't feel bad. They're not in my hood either. I saw them at Hoop's Mom's house, on the NICE side of town. ;)
Chris: Doesn't it kind of look like a talon?
Mama T: You know I would if I could. Shit, I'd even PAINT for you!
Susan: Contagious isn't it?
Terri: There are picture of me on here somewhere. They're far and few between because I'm always the one behind the camera.
Gawilli: You know, I have no idea! But I'll ask Hoop's Mom for you the next time we visit.
Katie: It was an old 80's baby border. Blech. Hoop steamed it off before painting.
Pamer: I did it just for you. :)
Yay, house renos!! I'm so excited...they are the BEST! You know what's weird? We're almost done the whole house now, after many years of doing things "here and there"...and I'm feeling a little restless! Ishn't dat vierd?!
Anyhoo, your hallway & office look AWESOME! Congrats on everything you've done thus far! And great photos! :)
The door looks must better in the 2nd photo. :)
Good job on the hall! I really like it! I do know door jambs are a pain in the assholio to paint!
Nice pics as always!
Isn't it exciting having work finished around the house ! We just had a new roof on, and I would not have been happier if I had gotten a diamond ring !
Your Hoop is a little cutie !
I like my bananas carmalized in brown sugar and topped with vanilla icecream !
Hoop is so cute!!
Hey my word verification is fuukit!! How hilarious is that??
It looks incredible! You've been working very hard :)
Awesome pictures! What you're doing to the interior is quite impressive.
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