Peoples Taste Like Chikin!
My soon to be fifteen year old brother has asked for a Gorilla Suit for his birthday.
I'm not sure why. This ad claims it "makes a great Easter costume." Easter... As in Jesus and the Gorilla. As if egg laying bunnies weren't scary enough.
Halloween went really well. I was having so much fun, I forgot to take pictures! The madness started at six, when I finally arrived home from work. Hoop phoned to tell me that he would be arriving late and Mom called to say that she and the boys would be right on time. So I frantically ran through the house trying to assemble my costume and simultaneously decorate the outside stoop. It went something like this... Splatter blood on shirt. Dump bones outside door. Splatter blood on face. Set up fog machine. Splatter blood on house. Shit! Wipe blood off of house.
I had doubts about our theme when the trick-or-treaters started to arrive. The neighbors across from us had an elaborate graveyard and a chainsaw wielding madman. We had Styrofoam bones and a cooking pot filled with candy. But once the sun set, it didn't really matter. "Bone?!" I asked the children as they arrived, waving a femur at them. Most just laughed and asked for candy instead. Some instinctively reached for what I was handing them and then recoiled when they realized what it was. A select few actually chose the bone.
"Can I have this?" A tiny Spiderman asked me, holding up part of a spine. I looked at Hoop. He shrugged. "Sure kid. Why not?" "Thanks!" The kid shouted, running back toward his parents. "Can I have one too?" His friend asked. We gave him an arm bone and sent him on his way. "They gave us bones!" We could hear them exclaim to their parents at the end of the driveway. "That's... nice, sweetie." I'm sure the adults were mentally marking which house we were at so they knew which one to avoid next time. "It's official," Hoop told me. "We're passing out bones instead of candy next year."
Doses Of Tink: Twisted (Tink) has been updated with another new chapter, "Fairy's Tale." Both this chapter and the next have been rolling around in my head for over a year now. I hope you enjoy!
P.S. Don't forget, the WWC words for this week are OLD and BLUE. Happy snapping!
UPDATE: Over on G-Man's blog I jokingly asked him if he could Photoshop my head onto Jessica Biel's body. JB happens to be Hoop's fantasy girlfriend. To my surprise, the awesome and amazing G-Man did it. I can't stop laughing. Enjoy!
(G-Man, I hope you don't mind me posting this.)

Have a great weekend!
Labels: Doses Of Tink
Jesus and the Gorilla?! Heh? :)
I love the story about the Spiderman and his friend absconding with the bones. That's so cute! We didn't even decorate outdoors, nor did we dress up - but we were generous with the candy, and so a big hit with the kiddies.
I'm hoping I'll have enough time to go and read the new Twisted Tink now...I just put the little binger down for a nap, so fingers crossed!
Happy belated Hallowe'en!
You didn't tell the WHO the bones belonged to did you? ;-)
You're hotter than Jessica Biel. More talented too.
Give the kid a bone... there's a new expression for you. Loved the passing out bones business :)
And... I'm with Jay on the Jessica Biel deal.
LMAO! I was wondering when did Tink start doing HNT's. ;)
Have an awesome weekend. And you can always get back into costume and take a pic. ...just saying.
Wow, giving out bones. You're cool.
Ah, I agree with Jay! You're hotter than Jessica! You did not need to be photo shopped into it! But, it is pretty funny! I wonder what I would look like? Haha!
Ok, handing out bones instead of candy rocks! Hee hee. Soon you'll be "those scary people" and life will be much more peaceful!
That is freakin' awesome!
My, what big... eyes you have!
Can I come live next door to you guys?! That's the way we like to celebrate Halloween too, the more over the top the better, but no one in our neighborhood even decorates! We tried the first few years, but we don't get that many kids coming through, because most people turn off their lights.
The Tink/Jessica thing cracks me up - whoever did that did a really good job with it.
Man I got all excited about that pic for a sec then I realized it was photoshopped... what a let down. :p
Hehe - now that Gorilla would be an interesting twist to a Bible story!
I think we'll have to get bones for next year!
Can we see Tink-esca Alba next?
THe kids taking the bones is are so stupid.
Kids are unpredictably charming that way. Always go for the odd. But I think I might steal this idea for next year if you don't mind - handing out bones (with options for candy) sounds awesome. Just think, those kids will never forget this halloween because of you guys.
"Next year we're giving out bones." Too funny. That is really a great idea. "Hey that lady gave me a boner." :)
Thanks for the kudos. I have to agree with the others though, your head on your body makes Hoop one lucky dude.
If you have any more "projects" for me all you need do is ask. (especially if it involves HNT. ;)
I can't believe I spent all that money on candy when all I had to do was get a bunch of bones. Next year.
I wish our neighborhood was as into Halloween as yours! Braeden and I saw a LOT of houses without lights on! In fact our house was probably the 2nd best decorated and that isn't saying much. Where is the spirit man! I'm glad you had so much fun!
I don't know about the gorilla and Jesus connection, but we had a guy come to a Halloween party in a gorilla suit once. He wouldn't tell us who he was. We kept counting heads and checking the guest list. It was a lot of fun.
I had to double check to make sure I wasn't really on Jay's site!
Kids crack me up. Of course they would go for the bones!
Bones ... gaaaawwwwwwddddd your halloween was so cool. Don't worry about the blood on the house. Jews did it in Egypt to keep the angel of death away during passover. Can't hurt on Halloween.
I like your head on your body. But with fewer clothes maybe ???? I'm really trying to be as creepy as possible.
We don't give out candy. In this day and age, someone, wiht my luck, would sue me for bad candy or something. Isn't there some sort of "begger beware" clause or "one poisoning is free" rule in Halloween?
And I can't wait for the wedding. Should I bring the pink bowling ball or the one that says, "Lesbians Rock!".
I'm going to hand out bones next year, too. ;)
He did a great job with the photoshopping! I did that once a long time ago with a program that came free with something. It was funny, I couldn't get the skin color right. I should see if Ritch still has it...
My boys wouldvhave loved to get the bones & we would come back to your ouse every year!
i would totally be one of the kids who chose a bone over candy. not sure what that says about me exactly.
A Gorrila Suit?? hehehe...
Not too bad a job there on the photoshop deal... Hope I can get it together for this weeks WWC. :O
very nice photoshop pic!! HAHAHA>.you've probably just made Hoops night..
Bones..that sounds good!
I want a guerilla suit for my birthday! And just remember Tink, No matter how many times the ball bounces there's still no bones in ice cream.
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