Friday, May 09, 2008


"Is it sinking in yet?" Hoop asked me at lunch over the phone.

"Seeing as I'm still at work? No."

I wish his enthusiasm was contagious. I'd gladly rub up against him to catch it. We're on vacation next week. Surprise! I didn't tell you because I wasn't looking forward to the crying and carrying on. Oh who am I kidding? You guys are going to raid the liquor cabinet as soon as I leave. So help me
Flying Spaghetti Monster, if I find underwear in the freezer again- Jay, I'm looking at you babe. I would also like to note that keg stands must be done OUTSIDE. The dog's dish is not a barf receptacle and please, no drunk dialing the local nunnery to say you've spotted Jesus in the bathroom of the titty bar... again.

I should be excited about these next nine days off. But I'm not. Despite my persistent nagging requests, plans were never agreed on for what we'll be doing. So I don't really feel like I have anything to look forward to. You can only play Grand Theft Auto in your skivvies for so long before even that gets old. Shocking, I know. It doesn't help that my company's 25 year old graphics girl just left for a two month backpacking trip around Europe (funded by her parents). She was so excited when she left that she was actually crying. This is me pretending not to be bitter.

I mean, so what if we're the same age and I've never been to the left side of our country let alone OUT of it? I can have just as much fun sitting around in my own stink for nine days, right? Right? Yeah, shut up. I'm sure I'll be pleasantly surprised. While I'm away,
Birdman is in charge of guarding the blog from clowns. Chelle, I need you to keep everyone supplied with cute Brendan conversation. Knight is in charge of feeding the Oompa Loompas. Corky, you have my permission to shamelessly plug the comment section with campaigns to get people to vote for you as king of the blogoverse.

P.S. The WWC should proceed on Tuesday as scheduled. No worries.

P.P.S. My Mom emailed me this morning with
this [not work safe] under the subject-line "Rugby". No warning. Just, "Rugby". Imagine my disbelief when I clicked the video link on the bottom of the page and witnessed a bunch of guys belting out "Singing In The Rain" NAKED. I've never seen so many jiggly bits at one time! Um, thanks Mom.

See ya on the flip side Homebloys!



At 09 May, 2008, Blogger Jay said...

The only underwear I stuffed into the freezer belonged to the strippers that we invited over. None of mine were in there and you can prove they were either. I mean, you're not an expert skid mark reader or anything. Are you? ;-)

You told us what the link went to and I clicked it anyway. What's wrong with me? haha

Have fun on your vacation!

At 09 May, 2008, Blogger Hilary said...

Have a great time. :)

At 09 May, 2008, Blogger Dana said...

I distinctly remember putting Jay's underwear in the freezer along with the stripper's underwear, no matter what he claims!

Loved the rugby video, but all I could think was, "Thank goodness it wasn't Minnesota in the winter!"

At 09 May, 2008, Blogger mamatulip said...

Nine days off?


Enjoy. :)

At 09 May, 2008, Blogger meno said...

Hey, have fun, doing whatever it is you will be doing.

I go commando, so they weren't MY umdies. I think.

At 09 May, 2008, Blogger Sunshine said...

I'm going to see how many clowns I can squeeze into your blog while you're gone. That "clowns coming out of the car" trick at the circus always cracks me up....shoosh, what a knee slapper.

CLOWNS, Tink, nothing but clowns as far as the eye can see.

At 09 May, 2008, Blogger gary rith said...

jiggly bits!!!!!!!!!!!

At 09 May, 2008, Blogger Christy said...

I'd be bitter. Did she save someone's life? Did she find a cure for some disease? Or are her parents just rich and she's just spoiled?

Nine days off is fantastic. I hope you guys end up doing something. We have vacation in July and spend the entire time with my in-laws. As thrilling as it sounds I kind of wish I could say I didn't have plans.

Have fun! I'll make sure to clean out the dog bowl.

At 10 May, 2008, Blogger LL said...

Nine days? And you've never been West? Well schnell baby... pack up the Hoop and come on out for a visit!

I'll buy you dinner, then you can turn around and drive back!

At 10 May, 2008, Blogger Knight said...

People don't trust me with children but Oompa Loompas I totally can handle. Those little guys dig me.
I thought the video was funny until that small boy appeared once they were naked and shaking jiggly bits. What the hell was he doing there?
Nine full days to plan and execute total chaos? The options are endless! Have a good time!

At 10 May, 2008, Blogger Reb said...

In 9 days, I am sure you can go somewhere exciting, and find something fun to do. Have fun even if you stay home though.

At 10 May, 2008, Blogger the planet of janet said...

have fun! we wont get into too much trouble while you're gone.


At 10 May, 2008, Blogger Fortune Cookies said...

have fun on vaca! oh, and just to clarify, you said we cant tell the nuns jesus went to the strip club, but you didn't say we cant take him with us, right? anyways, last time, he told me he enjoyed lesbian jello wrestling better!

At 10 May, 2008, Blogger fiwa said...

Girlita - I hope you guys think of something really fun to do. You just have "last day before vacation" blues. Cuz that's the day everyone dumps all that shit on you that they just realized you won't be around to do next week.

Just have wild monkey sex all week, that'll make you feel better. Hoop did NOT bribe me to say that. Hoop, Tink has my address if you want to send me any donations tho. ;)


At 10 May, 2008, Blogger said...

Oh Lord! In 9 days, your place probably won't be here anymore. Of course this is just a guess.
And about that chick backpacking around Europe... I suggest you take that as a personal challenge and do everything possible to have the most kick-ass vacation ever! Don't worry about anything.
Think "jiggly bits, jiggly bits, jiggly bits....." Cause now that's all I can think of! Thanks a lot!LOL

At 10 May, 2008, Blogger Woman in a Window said...

OK Have to admit I fast forwarded that video. In my defense I ended it early. Where could they possibly go from there? And what is wrong with your mom? I just did the math. If I has children very early I could be your mom. Ok. That's probably explanation enough for what's wrong with your mom. Happy nine couch days!

At 10 May, 2008, Blogger Sparkling Red said...

I'm relieved to know that I'm not the only one to have mixed feelings about vacations.

Next time you'd better take over control of the plan-making.

At 10 May, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could come to PA, I'm free.

Have fun, sometimes the unknown is so exciting! I'm on my own Monday and Tuesday with a car that holds four. Hmmmmm.....whatever will I do with myself and all my spawn?

At 11 May, 2008, Blogger furiousBall said...

haha, you forgot to tell me that i'm not allowed to hit on your hot friends this time... that means you knight


At 11 May, 2008, Blogger Mike said...

I remember doing that. That was fun.

Next time, I'll wear boxers. Easier to take down in a hurry.

At 11 May, 2008, Blogger Gina said...

I wear plastic gloves when I wash the twins undies...that video just reminded me why...Have a great time and toss a few back in my honor!

At 11 May, 2008, Blogger Tequila Mockingbird said...

HA! you forgot to not tell me to drink all your booze. ohhhhh well! i guess this means i have free reign!

have a good vacation!

At 12 May, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'll pass on the link - my house is already overly full of testosterone.
I'm looking around here for the margarita fixins...

At 12 May, 2008, Blogger Jo said...

But backpacking across Europe includes carrying stuff, who wants to do that really.

Enjoy your 9 days...doesn't matter where you go since it won't be the office, wheee!

At 12 May, 2008, Blogger Aunt Jackie said...

I hate clowns... :(

At 12 May, 2008, Blogger Knight said...

rawwwr right back at ya furiousball!

At 12 May, 2008, Blogger Gramps said...

You could play Halo 3 some of the time to break up the monotony.

And yes, you will have to visit the Left side of the country at some point. It's very nice.

At 12 May, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah, I've never managed to go anywhere but in circles with my man.

Luckily I travel with friends and for work, so I'm getting somewhere sometimes.

Have fun!

At 12 May, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

Your young, have no kids to worry about....JUST HAVE FUN! I say road trip vacation.

Now, who has the blender, I need a nice frozen drink. I brought the munchies, they are on the counter. Salsa, chips, taco dip, buffalo wings, and so much more.

Someone hire a maid service to come clean up before she gets back though!

At 12 May, 2008, Blogger OneDaisy said...

UM, you just gave me a great idea to help with this bout of female "heat" I've been going through. Underwear in the freezer, I like it. Might make some parts stick together but that should be ok in a few days.

At 12 May, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

Have a good vacation and seeing as how you warned that the Rugby link wasn't work safe I have not clicked on it because lets face it Receptionist and sometimes people sneek up on me and boy wouldn't I be in trouble!

At 12 May, 2008, Blogger Chris said...

I hope you figured out something fun to do. If nothing else, you could teach yourself how to crochet (I have no clue how to) and make a FSM hat...

At 12 May, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! Oh! Can I take names while you're gone? (shouted in an overachiever's irritatingly loud voice) Please! Somebody's got to make sure that Jay doesn't do anything questionable with the Roomba.

"This is me pretending not to be bitter". Girl, that should be my new mantra.


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