Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Weekly Words Challenge 88!

The "words" for this week were Lean and 3.

How did you interpret them?

3rd Gear


Leaning Mailbox

This is the normal position of a mailbox in our neighborhood.

More Lean Than Others

I collect Goddess figures. Some are a bit more lean than others.

(Other Random Photos)

Night Out


If you haven't joined the fun yet, go
here for details. We also have a Flickr group for easy shareability. Not only do you get to add "Lowly Foon" to your resume, but you get to find out the new words at least an hour earlier. Happy snapping!

The "words" for next week are:
Favorite Song (Picture representations of it.)

Thursday: I Heart Etsy!



At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Niki said...

Mine are up! Actually, it's one photo for both words, but whatever.

PS - You look oh-so fab in that dress!!

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Janet said...

oooh I love the 3s! And I'm with Niki, that dress is gorgeous!

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Karen said...

I love your dress! How cute you two are!

I like the leaning mailbox but I was really hoping for a picture of the neighbor's front yard swing set. Maybe you can fit that in next week? LOL!

I played too!

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Gary's third pottery blog said...

Lookit your million dollar smile!
I am on the sidelines this week, totally forgot, I am a very bad person alright...

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Reb said...

The dress is lovely and the threes are great. Love the lean goddess.

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Gramps said...

Our pictures are up!

You had a night out with The Rock?! Wow, I'm jealous.

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Chris Cactus said...

Oh, sure. When I post pictures of me wearing lacy things everyone mocks me but you get all the praise :)

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Chris Cactus said...

Oh, by the way. You're word verification just made me type "palin" which is really cruel.

At 09 June, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine's up (2 words, 1 photo)
I'm liking that mailbox pic -- and that dress is adorable on you!

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Jay said...

Don't you just wan to give that mailbox a little nudge? Yeah, me too.

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger fiwa said...

I am in love with that dress - you have the best taste in clothes. Plus you look so pretty posed there with Hoop. :)

love you -

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Aunt Jackie said...

Love that dress so cute!!! Great shots this week... I'm having internet trouble at home but I'll be around to see everyone as soonas possible.

Mine are in... such as they are.

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Chris said...

Woot! Look at that lacy racy!

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger Woman in a Window said...

That is totally an art shot of your dress! That rocks. Magazine worthy, especially that one. Submit it!

(You got me choked up the other day in response to my broody post. Thanks for your honest.)

At 09 June, 2009, Blogger fiwa said...

Girl, I'm not done with you yet either, not by a long shot. Sho'nuf.

At 09 June, 2009, Anonymous apathy lounge said...

I've just gotta ask: Did you take a photography class or were you just BORN this good at taking pictures?

At 10 June, 2009, Anonymous The Beer Geek said...

I think Tink was just born good at everything she does.

At 10 June, 2009, Blogger flutter said...


At 10 June, 2009, Blogger HalfAsstic.com said...

You and Hoop are adorable and you are seriously rocking that dress, sweetie!

At 10 June, 2009, Blogger Tawcan said...

The measurement tape pic is great. Love the DOF on that pic.

Looks a fun night out with you & Hoop. That dress rock!

Pics are up as always.

At 10 June, 2009, Blogger mamatulip said...

I *love* that dress you're wearing...goddamn, I wish I had your figure.

BTW - I am LOVING the 'issues' disc you made me!

At 10 June, 2009, Blogger HalfAsstic.com said...

Tink, you have received an award! Come on by and pick it up!


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