Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Three R's of New Year

Rage, Resolution, and Roaches... Oh my! This weekend was definitely one of those in which I wish I'd had a pair of magic shoes. Something in size 7 please. Preferably with the capability of transporting me someplace OTHER than home.

Rage: I came across this recipe during the weekend.

Recipe For Disaster
1 Frazzled woman
1 Basket dirty laundry
2 Sinks of dirty dishes
2 Unappreciated meals
A dash of PMS
1 Lazy boyfriend

Blend and simmer in a hotflash until burnt to a crisp.

It's a bitter meal folks, best not served over a three day weekend. I don't usually hold back on my feelings. Now I know why that's a good thing. My anger snowballed until suddenly I was pissed there was a receipt on the floor, the house smelled like onions and, "Goddamn it Hoop, why can't you throw away that Coke can? I don't care that you're not finished with it yet!" Ok, so maybe it wasn't that bad. But it was something worth marking on the calendar. We're OK now. Hoop did a few loads of laundry and bought me takeout for dinner last night. As I heard the washing machine whirling I felt the She-Hulk receding back into her shell. I think I've scared Hoop though. He hasn't been able to look me straight in the eye since. Geesh. Wimp.

Resolution: Ugh! So I've gone and done it. I've binded myself to a 2006 resolution with my Mother and Hoop. February 14th we are all going to quit smoking... February 15th I'm going to kill everyone. Just thinking about quitting makes me want to go smoke. My incentive is a digital camera, bought with the money I saved from not buying cigarettes. At about $4 a pack, that's $360 in 90 days. What I would really like to buy with the extra money is some sedatives. Sedatives might keep me from tackling all the people outside on smoke break when the withdrawals kick in. What the hell am I setting myself up for?

Roaches: As I was getting into Hoop's car last night I thought I saw something crawl across his door. I blinked. It was gone. It must have been a trick of the light. Hoop scooted in and suddenly I saw it again.

Tink: Babe, there's a roach in your car.
Hoop: Ohmygodwhere?
Tink: It crawled down your seat and disappeared.

He closed the door, blanketing us in darkness. Suddenly I heard the most blood curdling scream. In the shadows I vaguely recall Hoop's arm being flung around and the car door being swung open, blinding me momentarily with the dome light. Hoop was gone. Did the roach eat him?! Maybe that awful flailing was Hoop trying to free himself from the roach's death grip. His face peeked back into the car.

Hoop: Is it gone?
Tink: I have no idea.
Hoop: Fucker was on my arm!
Tink: Poor baby.
*He slides back into the car, breathing erratically*
Hoop: Any idea where the keys are?
Tink: You had them a second ago. What did you do with them when you jumped out?
Hoop: I don't know.
Tink: You don't know?
Hoop: *Closes eyes and leans back* I blacked out.

Tagged Again!
You can thank Momma Tulip
for the therapy you all are going to need after reading these "Five Weird Facts" about myself.

1. I can bend my hand backwards and drink out of it like a bowl.

2. When I was little I had a weak eye that required me to wear an eyepatch. My Mom used to draw an eyeball on the patch or decorate it with stickers so I wouldn't feel so bad.

3. I nac daer dna etirw sdrawkcab ta tsomla eht emas deeps I nac daer dna etirw sdrawrof. I can read and write backwards at almost the same speed I can read and write forwards.

4. I am afraid of clowns/mimes and driving from a side lane to a middle lane when there is a car parallel to mine in the other side lane.

5. I was born with a horribly stunted navigation gene. The family joke is that I'll drive somewhere only to get confused and turn around to go home, because that's the only place I know how to get back to.

These 5 people have been tagged:

  • TB
  • Debbie
  • Brooke
  • Mrs. Harridan

  • And...The first person who comments that isn't listed above.

    Random Weekend Information:
    1. I had a dream on Saturday that I had a baby... And I forgot to feed it!
    2. I went and saw Narnia on Friday with Hoop, who thoughtfully pointed out that I should get one of those, "Talking Beavers."
    3. No midgets were harmed while in the act of groping this blogger over the holiday weekend. Not to make it sound like there was midget groping to be had. He was thankfully absent from the celebration.

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    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger Arabella said...

    The roach story makes me want to cry.

    My husband and my best friend and I were once embarking on a long car ride home (I was sick and out of it and in the backseat) and my husband remarked that he felt like there was a bug on his leg or something, and then he pulled over, and the biggest roachlike insect you ever saw FLEW from the front seat to the backseat and LANDED ON ME and I immediately got out of the car and my friend helped me shake it off and we just stood there, on the side of the road, hugging tightly and consoling each other while my husband watched to make sure that no errant traffic killed us.


    At 03 January, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Bwahahaha. That was too funny, poor Hoop.

    Happy New Year!

    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger Chris said...

    Dang, I hate being back at work - cuts back on the hysterical laughter when reading blogs...

    That drinking out of your hand thing is freaky. And I never knew that I could read backwards so fast. Cool. Not going to try writing tho!

    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger mamatulip said...

    I don't like spiders.

    I was sitting in traffic with a car full of people when I pulled down the visor and a spider dropped down in my lap and started to crawl up my stomach. I screamed and jumped out of the car, forgetting to put it in park, and the car slowly rolled forward and bumped the car infront of us.

    It also was BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD.

    At 03 January, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The roach story made me laugh out loud. I had a spider in my car recently and it freaked me right out because it crawled under the seat and I just kept imagining it was going to emerge and climb up my leg.

    The reading and writing backwards thing is a little freaky. It makes me think of Danny in the Shining. REDRUM!

    At 03 January, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    PS Good for you on the quitting thing. I quit cold turkey. It'll be four years in May and I still miss it sometimes. The first month sucks. Just take good care of yourself, drink lots of fluids, buy gum or candy to keep your mouth busy and don't beat yourself up too bad if you freak out on people.

    After the physical addiction, you just have to train yourself to do other things in the times when you would normally smoke. The hardest things for me were driving and going out to bars. But it was nice not to smell like smoke all the time.

    I'm here if you need support!

    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger Pixie LaRouge said...

    Oh. My. Gawd! Poor Hoop. Poor, poor Hoop. Tell him I feel for him. I understand. SOMEONE out here pities him (even if she is snickering up her sleeve at him). I don't like bugs. By bugs, I mean anything that isn't reptilian or mamalian or avian. Well, okay, plants and minerals don't really freak me out, either. Someday, remind me to tell you about the cricket attack...

    Good luck and courage on the quitting. You CAN do it! You ROCK!!! (any future cheerleading, or someone to verbally abuse until the nic-fit loses its edge, just see me)

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! (or something like that)

    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger Tink said...

    You all want to see something REALLY awful? Check out these BFB(Big F'n Bugs) that were in my back yard. I love Florida. I HATE Florida bugs. They're practically big enough to hunt down and eat. Thank you all for your great comments. I'll send Hoop your condolences. *Grumble grumble* ;)

    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger Tink said...

    Oh, and thank you TB and Pixie for the moral support. I'm going to need it come February!!

    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger mamatulip said...

    Good gawd, Tink. Those bugs are just wrong.

    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger Brooke said...

    Ew ew ew ew! But as usual, at least it gave you fabulous blog fodder. Poor Hoop though.

    And I promise to get to the tag just as soon as I'm done...this catching up stuff is taking me all day!

    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger The Queen Mama said...

    Good luck giving up smoking! I used to smoke about a pack a day when I was in my 20s...now I can't even stand the smell of it if I pass someone outside who's got one lit up. Quitting was hard the first time, and you may have to try more than once. But trust me, it's worth it. Dear Lord, $4 a pack now??!!! The economic incentive alone would do it for me. Now if I could follow my own advice and give up my 2-glasses-of-wine-a-day habit...

    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger Mary said...


    I missed you this weekend, not much to laugh at!!

    And my liver didn't die. I didn't even pass out, so I'm happy ;)

    At 03 January, 2006, Blogger DebbieDoesLife said...

    First of all, please tell Hoop how much we enjoy his moments of brilliance and his antics over bugs! I had a mouse in my car and let me tell you, the way I acted was not pretty!

    Second, stop smoking. You'll save money and live longer for the rest of us.

    third, you are definately weirder than I am. In a very loveable way though.

    At 04 January, 2006, Blogger Allison said...

    {sigh} Everyone keeps quitting smoking. Soon I'll be the one left.

    But YAY for you! LOL!


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