Peanuts and Crackerjack
I really hope you don't have dial-up.
Weekend Recap:
1. Friday night Hoop, Hoop's Mom, and I drove up to Georgia for the annual Atlanta trip.
2. Evidently someone forgot to send the Braves a memo that we were coming...
3. ...because they LOST.
4. Nothing like driving six hours to watch your team hand three games over to their biggest competition.
5. This guy pretty much sums it all up:

5. He was drooling on himself by the sixth inning.
6. And when the game ended no one came to claim him.
7. But fortunately the company was great and the chili cheese dogs were yummy.
8. Nash, and Hoop's other brother Tech, drove down to meet us for the game.
9. As Hoop, Nash, and I rode back to the hotel in the bed of Tech's truck we were passed by a bum on a bicycle.
9. "There's a stop sign!" She snapped at us when we drove by. "Oh shut up." Hoop yelled back. "What did you say to me?" She hollered in disbelief.
10. Then she started chasing us...
11. ...on her bike.
12. And let me tell you, that chick was fast. We actually got a little nervous.
13. Fortunately we turned onto a main road. But we looked around at every stop light to see if she had caught up with us.
14. We are the biggest bunch of pussies EVER.
15. Saturday night the three of us entertained ourselves by dropping paper airplanes from the 47th floor of our hotel.
16. Mine won.
17. There weren't any rematches though. My plane landed in the middle of a romance novel convention, swept up in a mass of sequence dresses and crying spinsters.
18. Bottom line, there was no way in hell I was braving that crowd to go and get it.
19. The three of us ended the night at the hotel bar/restaurant...
20. ...where we met a hooker from Nevada.
21. She left soon after we told her about the convention.
22. I guess she realized she was outnumbered and didn't feel like having the competition.
23. Although some of those women looked pretty hard up.
24. She got on the phone as she was leaving. We heard her say, "There's some kind of romance convention or somethin'. Everyone here is in LOOOVE."
25. We're pretty sure it was her Pimp.
26. The next morning we went to the Georgia Aquarium.
27. They boast to have the largest viewing window in Northern America.
28. The pane is made out of acrylic, which is 17 times stronger than glass and easier to mold.
29. So why do we even use glass anymore?!
30. The best part of the aquarium visit was the Sea Lion exhibit.
31. One Sea Lion became entranced with a little boy's blue truck and chased it around for 15 minutes. When the boy would stop rolling it, the Sea Lion would nudge up against the window and do flips.

32. And I swear he looked upset when that little boy left.
33. Nash filmed it. So hopefully I'll have it up for you to view by the end of this week.
34. We got home around 8:30 last night, but I was up until midnight, burning all our photos on a disk for today.
35. All 119 of them!

Contest courtesy of Odd Mix:


(Some random weekend pictures)
Hotel Angles


Tiny fish zipping around a whale shark.

Don't these Ray look like a flock of birds?

I named him "Louie."

All That Glitters


And because you asked...