Fizzy Logic
(Now ten times better than fuzzy logic!)
The one difference between men and women is...
-Well shit, there's a lot of them.-
Men spend their money in really stupid ways. Like on five-hundred dollars worth of Garbage Pail Kid cards. No, of course I didn't LET him. But the point is, he wanted to. It started off innocently enough. Hoop expressed a wish to collect them. I thought, "Cool, a hobby!" So like the
But Hoop decided he didn't have the patience to collect them a few at a time, he wanted have them ALL, RIGHT NOW. See, by the caps you can tell the seriousness of his tone. In reply I said, "HA HA HA. I DON'T THINK SO, BUDDY." Again, with the caps. Then he mumbled, "IdowhatIwant." But he didn't buy them. Which is good, because they would have made really lousy wedding favors.
Women are so much more sensible.
Which brings me around to my most recent purchase...
A sock zombie.

I named him Chewsocca. He's got a toehawk!

He's my tote protection, in case anyone tries to steal my books. He was made by an awesome chick named Erin. Click that, it's her blog. Not only is she crafty and has a sick love for zombies (which I share), she's super funny. Tell her I sent you and that Chewie says hi. She'll probably be like, "WHO?!" But whatever. If you would like to adopt one of Chewie's brothers or sisters, you can check out Erin's Etsy shop here: UNDERROOS.
Have a fantastic weekend Homebloys!
Labels: I Heart Etsy