Do You Have Dogitis?
I had a dream last night that my Mom came over for a visit and found some old medical paperwork of Hoop's. It was buried in between pictures of him shark and octopus hunting. You thought I meant fishing didn't you? No, he was doing it on dry land. "He's got Dogitis!" My Mom gasped, waving the paperwork in my face. "Dogitis is a disease that makes your face bloat and changes your skin color. He has been looking a little blue lately." So I confronted him about it and he admitted it was true. Caught by scratching at an infected scab one day. When the alarm woke me up, he was turning a lovely shade of green. I'm kind of disappointed. I didn't get to see what color he ended up being!
Questions from the fabulous and creative Odd Mix:
1. Do you find it easier to make friends with men or women? Why?
Definitely men. I get their humor. They're easier to read. None of the cattiness or sneakiness that's prevalent among women. They tell you how it is and expect you not to cry about it. They're less judgmental because the threat of competition is gone. I've found them to be generally more easy going and adventurous when the need for entertainment arises. I love being a woman. I love the women that are in my life. But those relationships I worked for, cultivated and cared after. With men it always fell in to place... "Want to go get some beer?" "Sure." "Cool." A pitcher later we were friends.
2. If you had to move away from Florida, to where would you want to move? (assuming that you could find a job and house without too much trouble)
Hoop and I talk about that a lot. We've considered somewhere in Tennessee or maybe the Carolinas. We both really liked Savannah, Georgia. Although Kentucky might be nice. I've only ever driven through it in passing. There are so many beautiful places around us. It would be hard to decide! Maybe we'll take a road trip before we do.
3. If you could get and care for another animal - but not a dog, cat, bird or fish - what would it be. Why?
A Giraffe! How cool would that be? I'd strap a camera to his head and spy on the neighbors. I bet he'd eat a lot though. Maybe a Kangaroo? I've heard they're kind of mean. I've always wanted a pot bellied pig or a goat. But Hoop doesn't seem very interested in either. He says a dog that thinks she's a pig is bad enough and goats will eat all our plants. So maybe something smaller? I wouldn't mind a corn snake. They're not very cuddly. But they're fascinating to hold and watch. You know, I think I'd like one of everything. Oh, and the money to house and feed them all too.
4. Why did you start smoking again? When are you going to quit?
I'm weak! Out of the three of us (Mom, Hoop, and myself) I was doing the best by week two. I was down to one cigarette a day and had gotten over the spontaneous fits of confusion and anger. Instead, it was replaced by a deep depression I couldn't shake. I don't know which was worse. One after the other my partners fell off the wagon. I held on for another day or two. But in the end I realized, I need help. I'm still looking for it. It's not going to come in a patch or gum. Maybe medication. Maybe therapy. I can promise you this; I'm going to continue trying.
5. What advice would you give to the father of a brand new baby girl? (assume married and first child)
Love her as fully as you can! You'll always be her Dad. But she won't always be "Daddy's Little Girl."
Daily Hoop Conversation:
Tink: How much do you love me?
Hoop: *Spreads arms* This much.
Tink: Only that much?
Hoop: My hands are open!
Tink: So?
Hoop: That means it goes on FOREVER.
Courtesy of Odd Mix:

The words for this weekend are...
DOT: Twisted Tink has been updated with a new chapter, "Evie's Family." Feel free to leave suggestions for a better title. I seem to be running a little dry on ideas today. As usual, comments and critiques are always appreciated. Here, I'll even get it started for you. "This chapter sucks/rocks because..." Now you fill in the rest.
Have a GREAT weekend!
Labels: Daily Hoop Conversations, Doses Of Tink, Meme