Daily Hoop Conversation:
Tink: I wish I had a fast forward button. I'd skip right through this day.
Hoop: I wish I had a pause button. I'd stop time as soon as we got home. Then we could unpause it whenever we were ready to go back.
Tink: We'd never unpause it then!
Hoop: Exactly.
Tink: We'd live our whole lives suspended in a day.
Hoop: Wouldn't that be great?
Tink: We could travel.
Hoop: We'd have to buy a boat.
Tink: Pfft. We could steal a boat. Who would know?
Hoop: That's true.
Tink: We'd have to be careful though. No one would be there to help us if we got lost or hurt.
Hoop: We could drift along and fish for food.
Tink: The fish would be pretty easy to catch.
Hoop: We could just scoop them out of the water.
Tink: *Sigh* I wish I had invented the world.
Around The Water Cooler:
Tink: Last night I dreamt that I removed all my teeth.
Coworker: Eww.
Tink: Then I tried to put them back in but they wouldn't fit. So I ate them.
Coworker: Were they good?
Tink: Eh. Kind of crunchy.
Spam Mail Subjects:
"Get your swiss together" Between a few slices of ham maybe.
"Rolex mania is down" So you no longer have to promise your first born to get one?
May Search Terms:
(What people put into search engines that bring them here)
bunifa cell phone smoothie That's one way to recycle.
does a dandelion tell if you like butter Sorry, I don't speak "dandelion."
how to keep a bathtub white Don't use it.
gay sports Um... DRAG racing?
Should I try to rekindle a toxic relationship? You obviously don't watch Dr. Phil.
I would like to tear off your bra and suck milk from your sexy boobs Only if you spend 10 months in my uterus first buddy.
Arabella get naked in Playboy Hey now. Whatever she did before I met her is none of my business.
Does steak make your boobs grow? Buy me some steaks and I'll let you know.
Daily Hoop Conversation 2:
(Shouting from separate rooms)
Hoop: Hey babe!
Tink: Yeah?
Hoop: Could you help me take off my clothes?
Tink: You can't do it yourself?
Hoop: No.
Tink: Nice try, Hoop.
Hoop: Hey babe!
Tink: Yeah?
Hoop: I have a present in my pants for you!

Courtesy of Odd Mix:
Come on, you know you want to play! Rules of the game are here.
Twisted (Tink): I've updated each chapter with buttons so you can scroll backwards and forwards through the pages instead of clicking home every time.
Have a great weekend guys!Labels: Conversations, Daily Hoop Conversations, Doses Of Tink, Search Terms, Spam